Product Review: Reflections from the Wrong Side of the Tracks: Class, Identity, and the Working Class Experience in Academedoi:10.1177/009430610603600209David CroteauContemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews
outside of the play area; invisible walls forming behind certain open doors; dogs spinning on the spot, forever; guns firing through people. Enemy behaviour is all over the place. You can fire a gun in one room and alert enemies half a level away but not the guy next door. Dogs can'...
I also feel very comfortable strong-agreeing with things while not up/downvoting on them, so as to indicate which side of an argument seems true to me without my voting being read as “this person gets to keep accruing more and more social status for just repeating a common position at l...
In this series of exercises, you will directly observe a concrete object, such as a hairbrush or a tissue box. You'll pay some attention to how you observe by default, you'll experiment with different approaches to direct observation, and then you'll reflect on your methods and their resu...
‘mere’ anything. Life was too small for him and his restless fantasies too great. Of all the photographs in ‘Total Stranger’, the sweeter side of Pete Burns is in evidence in the photo shoot of him and his wife, Lynne. There is a tenderness in his features which was never again ...
From Jaws 4 to Rocky V, the further the series went, the worse it became. Unfortunately these days, the rules have changed. From Fast And The Furious to Saw, every shite movie has umpteen sequels […] What Went Wrong With… Kamikaze by Eminem? By What Went Wrong Or Right With......
@lights80088:I think it was Nakamichi, who had the cassette deck that rotated the cassette (it had a bulged out door for clearance) instead of manually taking it out and flipping the tape to the other side. I was amazed when showed how it worked. They believed it was better than havi...
These gods, however, were masters of genetic engineering, particularly ENKI (Lord of KI, the Earth, lead scientist and engineer) and “Bones” NINHURSAG (Lady of the Mountains,mother nature, chief medical officer), both of whom preferred to live on planet-side against the wishes of their ...
Hard question, but probably good to ask your friends – group epistemology seems healthy in these cases. And in general it seems strongly preferable to err on the side of caution. You can always take that LSD tomorrow, or next week, or next year. ...
used by the fastest human solvers require around 50 moves. These solutions require memorizing a few dozen to a few hundred “algorithms” that specify transformations to be used at particular points in the process. Methods also have intermediate subgoals, such as first solving an entire side. ...