It conveyed such a remarkable sense of place, perhaps best demonstrated by the fact that you had to drive on the left side of the road. The story was strong too, a surprisingly mature tale that borrowed heavily from Hong Kong cinema. Anyone familiar with undercover cop-stories likely saw ...
Also, as a side note, the music choice when he returns to camp is a chef’s kiss. I loved everything about it. source: Paramount Pictures Quickly Ben’s history of issues, coupled with the fact that there most definitely was something very wrong with the children, cause the adult ...
possibly 15 or even 20 years ago. However, great rock n’ roll never dies, it leaves an electric scar on the present and the music survives, just like the memories. I was fortunate to meet and interview Wayne Kramer several times. As well as being a powerhouse guitarist,...
Excessive breakdowns would eventually become the punchline of metalcore, and some of the blame may be placed on Parkway Drive. With what seems like very little effort on their behalf, they can pull off crazy, pounding breakdowns that hit right in the chest. The likes of “Boneyards” build...
These gods, however, were masters of genetic engineering, particularly ENKI (Lord of KI, the Earth, lead scientist and engineer) and “Bones” NINHURSAG (Lady of the Mountains,mother nature, chief medical officer), both of whom preferred to live on planet-side against the wishes of their ...
“secular humanism” have complicated special names. If you take common sense and rigorously apply it, through multiple inferential steps, to areas outside everyday experience, successfully avoiding many possible distractions and tempting mistakes along the way, then it often ends up as a minority ...
rules of Science; this is not a case where science actually gives thewrong answer.In the absence of a definite experimental test, the verdict of science here is "Not proven". Anyone who interprets that as a rejection is taking an extra step outside of science, not a misstep within ...
While I do believe that you have some good points, and that your side of the argument is horribly underrepresented in the hip-hop community, I don’t think that your method of argument is very sound. It’s too… dickish. And sure, you can tell me to fuck off, that I’m a racist...
The 172 is the most built airplane in history at 43,000 copies. It is probably still safe to say there are more 172s flying in the U. S. than anything else and though production rates today are relatively low, that will remain true for a long time to com
Hard question, but probably good to ask your friends – group epistemology seems healthy in these cases. And in general it seems strongly preferable to err on the side of caution. You can always take that LSD tomorrow, or next week, or next year. ...