He said: “I won’t do your homework” He said he wouldn’t do my homework (B2) Herefusedto do my homework (C1) STEP 2: Half a Crossword Create yours: tool. Mine PDF There are many reporting verbs, but I don’t want to overwhelm my students and tell them to study the grammar ...
The guided learning approach includes a text analysis activity where students identify the paraphrasing strategies, five sentence-level tasks to practise the strategies and two paragraph-level exercises to build on the previous tasks.. Level *** [B1/B2/C1] Example / TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONA...
Six amazing websites that make your writing stronger. Checklist PDF Presentation Part 1. The Writing Process Brainstorm for ideas Write down all the ideas you can think of. You can try mind mapping your ideas. It is a good technique to generate ideas and expand on them. You can begin by...
After having been troubled by several chronic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus for many years, my uncle finally decided to follow doctors’ advice—taking regular physical exercises. Considering his age and body weight, we unanimously recommend him to jog and swim on a daily basis. ? A....
◗ Standardisation: Raters complete regular standardisation marking exercises. The results are analysed to ensure intra-rater consistency. ◗ Benchmarking: A group of senior raters meet to agree on benchmark grades for a sample of papers across all levels and tasks. These raters agree on the ...
Proofreading, by contrast, is done on a facsimile of the finished product — a proof, hence the name. Proofreading is usually still completed on hard copy with a pen or pencil, but it’s sometimes accomplished by electronically marking up a PDF (a file created with Adobe’s Portable Docum...
At the end of the flyer there are some interactive exercises to test your knowledge. Step 3. Using connectors of purpose. Now we learn how to express purpose with the following words:to, in order to, so as to, for, so that and in case. ...