Master French writing with challenges and exercises grouped by French CEFR level and free personalised French tests
Master Spanish writing with lessons and exercises grouped by Spanish CEFR level with free personalised tests. Revise and improve your Spanish with personalised learning tools for exam and test preparation.
Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above: -Good afternoon. I would like to have my hair done. -Sure. What do you wish to get done today? -I would like [my hair] washed, cut, and styled please. -Certainly. Let's mo...
There are many reporting verbs, but I don’t want to overwhelm my students and tell them to study the grammar for the hundred verbs the book offers, so I am going to select a few and stick to them throughout the whole lesson. These are the ones they will have to study. To introduce...
A. Prepare a list. B. The following tips can be helpful. C. Rewriting makes our writing better. D. It is not easy to become a better writer. E. Good word choices are necessary for good writing. F. Do more grammar exercises.1.B2. E 3.C4.A5.D 相关知识点: ...
·exerciseseverydayforatleast30minutesanddidsomethingactive ·goesrockclimbingmonthlywithhisdad Result ·moredynamicandstrongerinbothbodyandmind ·sleepssoundly,nolongersuffersfromfluortoothaches ·feelslikebeingincontrolofherownlife ·feelsmuchmore...
新沪教牛津版九年级下册英语Unit 4 Speaking & Writing课件 UNIT4Naturaldisasters Speaking&Writing 第一页,共三十八页。Speaking 第二页,共三十八页。Objectives 1.Tolearntoexpressdifferentfeelings2.Tolearntoactoutaconversationaboutanemergency 3.Tolearnthenewword:immediately 第三页,共三十八页。第四页,共...
Plan for each meeting: ?Read and recite an English article(15 minutes); ?Read 4—5 English articles and finish off some exercises(40 minutes); ?Check the answers and have a discussion(35 minutes); ?Have a summary(15 minutes); ?Express yourself in the limited time(5 minutes/each...
Teacher conducts feedback by using visual highlighting & explaining the concepts. There are also 10x practice transformation exercises from informal to formal.(Example).It includes a PowerPoint:PPT Link in download.Webpage link.Time:60mins.Level***[B1/B2/C1]//TEACHER MEMBERSHIP/INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS...
These tips are all about finding your place and busting through blocks to dive back into the drafting process. I’ve used several of these exercises and techniques myself to pick up where I’ve left off, keep writing, and rediscover my joy for the story. ...