Spark2 Can't write dataframe to parquet hive table : HiveFileFormat`. It doesn't match the specified format `ParquetFileFormat`. 一、概述 出现该问题的原因是因为 如果用命令行创建的hive表,会根据hive的hive.default.fileformat,这个配置来规定hive文件的格式,其中fileformat一般有4中,分别是TextFile、Se...
I'm trying to write a dataframe to a parquet hive table and keep getting an error saying that the table is HiveFileFormat and not ParquetFileFormat. The table is definitely a parquet table. Here's how I'm creating the sparkSession: val spark = SparkSession .builder() .config("spark...
Apache Hive Apache Spark rahulsmtauti Explorer Created 06-11-2018 02:19 PM Hi, I am writing spark dataframe into parquet hive table like below df.write.format("parquet").mode("append").insertInto("my_table") But when i go to HDFS and check for the f...
I'm trying to save dataframe in table hive. In spark 1.6 it's work but after migration to 2.2.0 it doesn't work anymore. Here's the code: blocs.toDF().repartition($"col1", $"col2", $"col3", $"col4").write.format("parquet").mode(saveMode).partitionBy("col1","col2","c...
I'm trying to save dataframe in table hive. In spark 1.6 it's work but after migration to 2.2.0 it doesn't work anymore. Here's the code: blocs .toDF() .repartition($"col1", $"col2", $"col3", $"col4") .write .format("parquet") .mode(saveMode) .partitionBy("col1", ...
创建DataFrame的几种方式 1、读取parquet文件创建DataFrame 注意: 可以将DataFrame存储成parquet文件。保存成parquet文件的方式有两种 df.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).format("parquet").save("./sparksql/parquet"); df.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).parquet("./sparksql/parquet"); ...
Read our articles about write dataframe to parquet for more information about using it in real time with examples
Since Spark 2.0.0 version CSV is natively supported without any external dependencies, if you are using an older version you would need to usedatabricks spark-csv library. Most of the examples and concepts explained here can also be used to write Parquet, Avro, JSON, text, ORC, and any Sp...