ECCOLA had a two-fold function in this exercise: 1) as a guide for deliberating ethics in SE based on ethical AI principles; and 2) as a subject of appraisal - we sought to validate ECCOLA’s effectiveness through its operationalization in user stories. In order to achieve this, data ...
A value or ethical system can be developed by a group of individuals whether professionally or occu- pationally based. Ethical or behavioral statements are often developed because individuals or organizations have the resources and/or skills to either benefit or harm society. If individual or occupat...
a self-service restaurant 3. About how many team members were out of the second round of the activity? -->C. 5. has significant project to introduce. 6,Five Basic Functions that Make up the Management Process In 1916, In 1916,a French coal mine director named Henri Fayol wrote a book...
2/21 First of all,I have multi-dimensional abilities such as active listening,verbal expression,and interpersonal skills; Secondly,I am good at having a clear understanding of myself,others,and the situation in the process of communication,clarifying my communication goals,and being good at ...
This study accepts a cumulative perspective of satisfaction because behavioral researchers have especially highlighted the mediating role of satisfaction between its antecedents and outcomes. It is consistent with the appraisal–emotional response–coping framework [33]. This framework suggests that the ...