The nine cylinder G Cyclone R-1820-G2, has a rating of 1,000 hp for take-off. The Wright Cyclone R-1820 was a 9 cylinder, single-row, air-cooled radial engine. Horsepower ranged from 700 hp to 1,500 hp depending on the model and configuration. Wright Cyclone R-1820 engines were ...
将“Wright R-1820"翻译成意大利文 Wright R-1820是将“Wright R-1820"翻译成 意大利文。 译文示例:Bolingbroke Mk IVC Version of Mk IV with 900 hp (671 kW) Wright R-1820 Cyclone engines not requiring high octane fuel. ↔ Bolingbroke Mk IVC: esemplare unico, sottoversione dell'Mk IV ...
Wright R-1820 Cyclone 9Wright RJanes Fighting Aircraft of World War II
2 × Vzduchem chlazený, přeplňovaný, hvězdicový devítiválec Wright R-1820-53 Výkon motoru: 1000 k (750 kW) ParaCrawl Corpus The R-1820 Cyclone 9 represented a further development of the Wright P-2 engine dating back to 1925. R-1820 Cyclone 9 byl pokračováním v...
The AT-32C was powered by two air-cooled, supercharged, 1,823.129-cubic-inch-displacement (29.875 liter) Wright Cyclone SR-1820-F3 ² single-row nine-cylinder radial engines with a compression ratio of 6.4:1. They were rated at 675 horsepower at 1950 r.p.m., each, and required 87-oc...
Powerplant: 1x� Wright Cyclone R-1820-G5 nine-cylinder air-cooled radial engine, 850 hp (634 kW) Performance Maximum speed: 314 mph (273 knots, 505 km/h) at 12,200 ft (3,700 m) Cruise speed: 282 mph (245 knots, 454 km/h) ...
CONSIDERABLE interest attaches to the engine fitted in the Vultec monoplane used by Richman and Merrill in their remarkable flights across the Atlantic in both directions during the first fortnight in September. The engine is one of the 1,000 h.p. Wright Cyclone R鈥 1820 G series, which has...