/ &scm / &dynamics / &bdy_control / &grib2 / &fire / &namelist_quilt / &perturbation / EOF ln -sf ${DA_SRCDIR}/var/build/da_wrfvar.exe ./da_wrfvar.exe mpirun -np 6 ./da_wrfvar.exe #---bdy--- echo "更新边界场" mkdir ${RUN_BASEDIR}/bdy cd ${RUN_BASEDIR}/bdy cp $...
20Branches 226Tags Code This branch is850 commits behindwrf-model/WRF:master. Repository files navigation README WRF Model Version 4.0.2 (November 9, 2018)http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/--- WRF PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE --- WRF was developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research...
[root@localhost em_real]# ./wrf.exe Namelist dfi_control not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for variables in dfi_control Namelist tc not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for variables in tc Namelist scm not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for ...
Namelist fire not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for variables in fire 这四句是警告,由于版本不断更新,namelist中少了一些设置,不影响后面的运行。如果你想解决这四句就在namelist.input中加入 &dfi_control / tc,scm,fire都是一样的。具体的错误可能在于,你在namelist.input中...
module_sf_scmflux.F module_sf_scmskintemp.F module_sf_sfcdiags.F module_sf_sfcdiags_ruclsm.F module_sf_sfclay.F module_sf_sfclayrev.F module_sf_slab.F module_sf_ssib.F module_sf_sstskin.F module_sf_temfsfclay.F module_sf_tmnupdate.F module_sf_urban.F module_shallowcu_driver.F...
In conclusion, the constrained SCM results indicate that the scattering portion of the aerosol optics calculations is working well, although the absorption calculation could not be effectively evaluated. However, a few factors such as greatly underestimated accumulation mode SS, misrepresentation of water...
对于任何2D测试用例(用例名称中标记为“2D”),必须使用串行或OpenMP(smpar)编译选项。此外,配置时只能选择“0=无嵌套”选项。对于所有其他情况,您可以使用串行或并行(dmpar)和嵌套(“em_scm_xy”情况除外,它是1D情况,必须串行编译,没有嵌套)。假设您想编译并运行二维飑线案例,请键入: ...
io_form_geogrid = 2,opt_output_from_geogrid_path='/home/xiangg/wrf/wrfoutsc/555/'debug_level...
module_initialize_scm_xy.o \ module_integrate.o \ module_io_mm5.o \ module_io_wrf.o \ module_si_io.o \ module_wps_io_arw.o \ module_tiles.o \ output_wrf.o \ solve_interface.o \ start_domain.o \ start_em.o \ wrf_fddaobs_in.o \ ...