17. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon Phi (MIC architecture) 18. (serial) 19. (smpar) 20. (dmpar) 21. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon (SNB with AVX mods) 22. (serial) 23. (smpar) 24. (dmpar) 25. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): SGI MPT 26. (serial) 27. (smpar) 28. ...
(dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): KNL MIC Enterselection[1-74] : 54 这里使用的是PGI编译器,并安装dmpar,因此选择54,请根据自己使用的编译器和实际需要选择。下面安装WPS同理。 Compile for nesting? (1=basic, 2=preset moves, 3=vortex following) [default 1]:1 $ ./compile $ ./compile em_real ...
build_type=dm+sm To install dm+sm build type ^openmpi fabrics=cma,ucx Use OpenMPI as the MPI provider and use the CMA network for efficient intra-node communication, falling back to the UCX network fabric, if required. Note: It is advised to specifically set the appropriate ...
18. (serial) 19. (smpar) 20. (dmpar) 21. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon (SNB with AVX mods) 22. (serial) 23. (smpar) 24. (dmpar) 25. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): SGI MPT 26. (serial) 27. (smpar) 28. (dmpar) 29. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): IBM POE 30. (seri...
编译前优化,对编译选项以及io进行优化;所述编译选项的优化具体为在编译时选择dm+sm方式,并在执行配置命令后,根据平台和编译器中的设置,在cflags_local选项和fcoptim选项中设置添加优化加速的参数;所述io的优化具体为使用模块化自动安装wrf依赖库; 编译后优化,对线程和进程区域分解进行优化;所述线程优化具体为设置支持...
编译:编译代码,执行compile命令,根据选择的并行选项,可选有serial(单处理器)、smpar(OpenMP共享内存)、dmpar(分布式内存)或dm+sm(组合并行)。示例配置步骤中,先设置环境变量,然后根据处理器类型(如PGI, INTEL, SGI, PATHSCALE, GNU, IBM, Cray, FUJITSU)选择合适的并行选项,如1-4或5-...
32为serial 表示串行计算; 33为smpar 表示内存共享并行计算(shared memory option),即使用openMP,大部分多核电脑都支持这项功能; 34为dmpar 表示分布式并行计算(distributed memory option),即使用MPI 进行并行计算,主要用在计算集群,单个电脑就没必要用了; 35为dm+sm 表示同时使用openMP与MPI两种并行方式. 根据实际...
(dm+sm) Since you used OpenMP & MPI distribution, did you enabled multithreading? Please specify the MPI & OpenMP distribution. Since you are asking about performance degrading, Can you provide us the numbers or the percentage difference in performance? Why you can scale up to 16k cores...
DM/SM selection is now done after selecting a base configuration rather than an individual configuration # within a family of compilers Compilation viacompile_newdoes not take target to build as an argument - parallel-j Njobs still supported ...
WRF compilation with dm+sm WPS compilation with distributed memory with dm+sm compilation of WRF Tests simulations Tests simulations have been done on Jenkins. The tests were updated from version 4.3. From version 4.3, the tests were: First tutorial case (Oct 16) with 1 nest First tutorial ca...