slp=getvar(ncfile,"slp") 提取WRF netCDF 变量 除了输出诊断变量外,wrf.getvar函数也可以用来提取常规的WRF输出的netCDF 变量。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 p=getvar(ncfile,"P") 关闭xarray 和 metadata 有时候你只需要返回常规的 numpy 数组,而不关心元数据。通过以下两...
time = str(getvar(ncfile, "times").data)[:19] extracted_vars = [] for var_name in variables_to_extract: var_data = getvar(ncfile, var_name) if len(var_data.dims) == 3: # Check if the variable is 3-dimensional if var_name == "ua": extracted_vars.append(getvar(ncfile, "...
[WRF]wrf_user_getvar 函数的使用 function wrf_user_getvar (nc_file, fld, it) Usage: ter = wrf_user_getvar (a, “HGT”, 0) nc_file:wrfout的nc文件名称 fld:变量名 it:时间设置。假如it=-1,则所有时间均输出。 例如:tc=wrf_user_getvar(f,"tc",-1) === ;*** load "$NCARG_ROOT/...
复制 file_path=single_wrf_file()wrf_file=Dataset(file_path)slp=getvar(wrf_file,"slp",timeidx=0)slp_shape=slp.shape center_y=int(slp_shape[-2]/2.)-1center_x=int(slp_shape[-1]/2.)-1slp_quad=slp[...,0:center_y+1,center_x:]cart_proj=get_cartopy(slp_quad)lats,lons=latlon...
1、getvar():从 WRF 文件中提取常见的气象变量,例如温度、气压、风速等。 temp = getvar(wrf_file, "T2") # 提取 2 米温度 2、interplevel():将数据从模型层插值到常见的大气层面(例如等压面)。 temp_500 = interplevel(temp, pressure, 500) # 插值到 500 hPa 等压面 ...
from wrf import getvar, interplevel, latlon_coords from metpy.units import units import metpy.calc as mpcalc def open_dataset(path): """ Open a WRF output dataset. Args: path (str): Path to WRF output file. Returns: xr.Dataset: WRF output dataset. ...
Hi everyone, I'm encountering issues while installing WRF Python. Specifically, I'm unable to import the 'getvar' library from WRF. Could anyone please assist me? Machine -> Apple M2 which gcc-> /usr/bin/gcc whicg gfortran -> /opt/homebr...
import netCDF4 as nc from wrf import getvar, ALL_TIMES, interplevel import numpy as np import pandas as pd '''将某时刻下某气象要素值插值到指定气压层''' def loadWRFInterData(data_path, time_stamp, target_press=925): ''' :param data_path: wrf模拟结果,nc文件路径 :param TimeStamp: ...
function wrf_user_getvar (nc_file, fld, it)Usage: ter = wrf_user_getvar (a, “HGT”, 0)Get fields from a netCDF file for 1. Any given time by setting it to the time required.2. For all times in the input file(s), by setting it = -1 3. A list of times from the input...
1.z = wrf_user_getvar(a_1, "z",-1) ; grid point height = wrf_user_getvar(a_1, "th",-1) ; potential temperature (theta) 位温 th/theta是位温,tc是温度(摄氏度),tk是温度(开尔文) 3.floatSWDOWN(Time, south_north, west_east) ;地表高度的向下的短波辐射通量 ...