Weldingprocedurespecification(WPS)焊接工艺规范 KevinMo 1 WhatisaWPS?什么是焊接工艺规范(WPS)?焊接工艺规范是为了制造符合规范要求旳焊缝而提供指导旳、经过评估合格旳焊接工艺文件。它或其他文件可用于对焊工或焊机操作工提供指导,以确保符合规范要求。AWPSisawrittenqualifiedweldingprocedurepreparedtoprovidedirectionfor...
金属过渡方式(射流或短路等) Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW (Spray arc, short circuiting arc, etc.) 送丝速度范围 Electrode Wire Feed Speed Range 施焊技术 TECHNIQUE 无摆动焊或有摆动焊 String or Weave Bead 喷孔或喷嘴尺寸 Orifice or Gas Cup Size 焊接工艺规程 (WPS) WELDING PROCEDURE ...
(WPS) WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION WPS No.: WPS-H005 WPS Company Name PQR according to the company name PQR number Supporting No. welding method Welding Process MAG JOINTS Joint Design Vee joint joint type "V" joint V liner Backing (/Yes) * (no /NO) PQRPQR-07 BY (QA DIRECTOR) ...
图1.样表WeldingProcedureSpecification(WPS) 焊接工艺规范样表 Figure1.WPSsample图Typeofqualificationtest WPS评定试验项目及试样数量、类型Thetypeandnumberofqualificationtestsrequiredto qualifyaWPSforagiventhickness,diameter,orboth, shallconformtoTable2(CJP),Table3(PJP)or Table4(fillet).DetailsontheindividualND...
For the sample, pls see the fiaure 1. LINCOLN1 3 h ELECTRIC Who take charge of compilin WPS? WPS应该由谁制定? ♦每个制造者或承包者应按照焊接规范的规定编写合 理的WPS.具体的 WPS是由代表厂家的焊接工程 师编写的。 Eac manufacturer and contractor shall prepare written Welding Procedure ...
WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION焊接工艺规程(WPS) POSITIONS焊接位置 POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT焊后热处理 Position of Groove坡口的位置:ALL Temperature温度范围:/ Weld progression焊接方向:向上 Time时间范围:/ Fillet Weld Location角焊位置:/ GAS气体 PREHEAT预热处理 ...
WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS (WPS)焊接工艺规程 (In accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeSection IX,SeeQW-200.1) Company Name公司名称: By签字人: WPSNo.焊接工艺规程编号: Date日期: Supporting PQR No.(s)工艺评定编号: Rev. No.修改号: Date日期: Welding Process(es)焊接方法: Type...
For the sample, pls see the figure 1. LINCOLN, 3 ELECTRIC Who take charge of compiling WPS? WPS应该由谁制定? ♦每个制造者或承包者应按照焊接规范的规定编写合 理的WPS.具体的说WPS是由代表厂家的焊接工 师编写的。 Each manufacturer and contractor shall prepare written Welding Procedure ...
金属过渡方式(射流或短路等)Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW (Spray arc, short circuiting arc, etc.) 送丝速度范围 Electrode Wire Feed Speed Range施焊技术TECHNIQUE 无摆动焊或有摆动焊 Stri ng or Weave Bead喷孔或喷嘴尺寸 Orifice or G 8、as Cup Size焊接工艺规程(WPS)WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION...