For the sample, pls see the fiaure 1. LINCOLN1 3 h ELECTRIC Who take charge of compilin WPS? WPS应该由谁制定? ♦每个制造者或承包者应按照焊接规范的规定编写合 理的WPS.具体的 WPS是由代表厂家的焊接工程 师编写的。 Eac manufacturer and contractor shall prepare written Welding Procedure ...
焊接文件电子版wps.pdf,焊接工艺规程 Welding Procedure Specification(WPS) 公司名称 盛世 设备 Company Name Tianjin J ai Shengshi Petrochemical Equipment Co., .. WPS WPS No. WPS-1401-02 日期Date 所依据工艺评定 Supporting PQR No. PQR-1401-02 版次Revi No. 0 日
For the sample, pls see the figure 1. LINCOLN, 3 ELECTRIC Who take charge of compiling WPS? WPS应该由谁制定? ♦每个制造者或承包者应按照焊接规范的规定编写合 理的WPS.具体的说WPS是由代表厂家的焊接工 师编写的。 Each manufacturer and contractor shall prepare written Welding Procedure ...
WELDINGPROCEDURESPECIFICATIONS(WPS)焊接工艺规程.pdf,WPS 焊接工艺规程 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS (WPS) 焊接工艺规程 (In accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX,SeeQW-200.1) Company Name 公司名称: By 签字人: WPS No. 焊接工艺
PWPS焊接工艺规程.pdf,预焊接工艺规程( PWPS) PREPARE WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS 公司名称 MANUFACTORY’S NAME XXXXXXX (集团)公司 XXXXXXX(Group) Co., Ltd. 焊接工艺指导书编号 Welding Procedure Specification No. 日期 Date 修改文件编号 Revision No. 日
WPSAmerica Online Welding Software comply with AWS D1.1, D1.2, D1.3, D1.5, D1.6, D17.1, D9.1 and AWS B2.1, as well as Pressure Parts Welding Codes (WPS, PQR, WPQ, WPQR, Welders Management)
WPSAmerica Online Welding Software comply with AWS D1.1, D1.2, D1.3, D1.5, D1.6, D17.1, D9.1 and AWS B2.1, as well as Pressure Parts Welding Codes (WPS, PQR, WPQ, WPQR, Welders Management)
焊接工艺规程(WPS)和焊接人员资格的评定试验.pdf,AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2OO2 Structural Welding Code — Steel 4. Qualification 评定 4.0 Scope 范围 The requirements for qualification testing of welding procedure specifications (WPSs) and welding personnel are desc