[/b] – While it would be acceptable to explain why you feel a certain class with a certain spec would gain the most benefit from an item, simply stating that you feel the weapon should always go to a hunter in a raid will result in negative moderation.[pad][/li]\r\n[li][b]...
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Alles anzeigen ». Season 6 Elite Ensembles. No honor talents or pvp trinket before 120? DPS and HPS Cooldowns on the GCD. Five Reasons Why Europe are Spring Finals Favorites. Allied races - Monk xp buff. Mythic affixes I would like to see. Champions of Legionfall (hunter). Suramar st...
Alles anzeigen ». Season 6 Elite Ensembles. No honor talents or pvp trinket before 120? DPS and HPS Cooldowns on the GCD. Five Reasons Why Europe are Spring Finals Favorites. Allied races - Monk xp buff. Mythic affixes I would like to see. Champions of Legionfall (hunter). Suramar st...
每次施法减少下次的施法时间1/3秒,但增加基础法力消耗75%, 分享9赞 猎袭吧 宇宙冰 [Hunter: PvE DPS in WotLK]WLK中的PVE猎人---【转】本文来自EJ精华区,原文地址http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t43271-hunter_pve_dps_wotlk/ 作者:Garbysan <Jaded Retribution> / Mug'thol 142赞 盗贼吧 Evisc [小伊教...