In short, pet micro-management is a pretty important part of effective PvP huntering – especially if you’re a BM hunter. Take good care of your pet, and your pet will take good care of you. Use a proper pet Pet buffs aren’t all that important in PvP, where as PvP utility is h...
2. Beast Mastery Hunter I always joke that picking Beast Mastery Hunter is like playing WoW on easy mode, but that just shows how good this spec is in the game really. They can tame and control unique exotic pets that are extremely powerful and very annoying for enemies to deal with. ...
PvP Survival Hunter Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Best Arena Comps When it comes to choosing the right race for your character, you should take into consideration that...
The best class and race combo for soloing in Classic WoW are the Dwarf Hunter for Alliance players or the Troll Hunter if you’re playing on the Horde's side. Apart from holding the world record for solo leveling, Hunters’ ability to make tons of gold while soloing is only second to t...
So there is definitely a place for a guide to being a good levelling hunter, covering both PvE and PvP, and I believe a good place to begin is with the first talent points… i.e. from 10 up. A very tall order, I know! Reply ...
Treasure Hunter (50) (Slottable) Important Info for Stamina Nightblade Build PvP Buff-food Artaeum Takeaway Broth or Dubious Camoran Throne must be used with this setup. Dubious can be bought for a very cheap price in the guildstores, Artaeum does cost a lot more for a tiny bit extra...
Noobhunter.io67 Gallons.io67 DarkNova.io67 Takemine.io67 Too Many Cooks66 Bruh.io66 PirateBattle.io66 WarPixIO.online66 Fidgetio.com66 Powerline.io66 Farmerz65 Crowd City.io65 Taaanks.io65 Go! Eat! Bomb!65 Forge of Empires65
Players are transported to a world of high fantasy to experience the nine-total expansions as they partake in epic dungeons and stories, raids, open-world PvP, duels, and battlegrounds. WoW’s class designs are arguably some of the best in gaming, with each having different specializations to...
Hunter General–Explosive Powder Talent introducedBeast Mastery–Dire Beast: Basilisk redesignedMarksmanship–Sniper’s Advantage and Aspect of the Fox Talents introduced–Improve Streamline and Ranger’s Finesse cut somewhat–Several PvP Talents removed Mage General–Overpowered Barrier Talent introduced–Ring...
One of the more inventive PvP shooters to come out in recent years,Hunt: Showdownsees you stepping into the shoes of a bounty hunter tasked with killing lucrative targets. The twist here is you’re not the sole one aiming for your mark, as other players will spawn into the map and try...