Start: Glowing Shard, which drops from Mutanus the Devourer, the last boss of Wailing Caverns Finish: Speak to Sputtervalve at Ratchet in The Barrens, then Falla Sagewind in a hut on top of the mountain above Wailing Caverns Horde turn into arch-druid-hamuul-runetotem in TB Alliance turn...
Spiritis made useful by Glyph of Lifetap and Fel Armor, which cause Spirit to convert directly to Spell Power. Intellectincreases your mana pool and also boosts your critical strike. You should get lots of it naturally on gear without having to focus on it. Staminais important for your surv...
Common recipe and affordable materials (Small Radiant Shard x1, Aquamarine x1, Lesser Nether Essence x1), best suited PVP. [E] 1 handed weapon Best: Enchant Weapon - Agility –Adds +15 Agility. Common recipe and very expensive materials (Large Brilliant Shard x6, Greater Eternal Essence x6,...
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classicfeatures a dark and immersive storyline featuring the Lich King, who will do everything possible to destroy all life in Azeroth. While most of the game has stayed the same, except for a few upgrades, one of the better additions toWotLKClassic...
325-335 enchant Enchant Shield- Major Stamina or Enchant Chest – Major Spirit 335-340 enchant Enchant Shield- Resilience 340-350 craft Superior Wizard Oil 350-351 craft Runed Adamantite Rod WOTLK era Learn the next level of Enchanting 352-360 enchant Enchant Cloak- Speed 360-37...
Enchant Weapon – Mighty Spirit: This increases the spirit by 20. Enchant Weapon – Healing Power: This increases spell power by 29. Enchant Weapon – Spellpower: This increases spell power by 30. Where to get Heirlooms in WoW WotLK Classic ...
Spirit Another great stat is spirit. This increases your out-of-combat mana and health regeneration, but you can also start regenerating mana if you haven’t cast an ability in the last 5 seconds. When you aren’t actively using Arcane Shot, this is a great way to passively restore mana...
WOTLK: lichking.MPQ (2.5Gb) Copy these files under the \Json\MPQ folder (e.g., C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Json\MPQ) Technical details about V1: Precompiled x86 and x64 Stormlib Source code accessible, written in C# Uses *.mpq files as source Extracts the geometry on demand during runtime ...
It also lets you life tap more aggressively, leading to less need for intelligence or spirit. Fel Intellect ★★★ If you are using the “Machinegun” Imp acquired by specing into Improved Firebolt or have a Succubus who is trying to keep something Seduced while Lashing as often as ...
Spirit: 110Spell Power: 15MP5: N/AAttack Power: 26Resists: +8 to allMisc: When struck in combat has a chance of returning 300 mana, 10 rage, or 40 energy to the wearer. Feralheart: Armor: 1247Strength: 86Agility: 64Stamina: 95Intellect: 112Spirit: 85Spell Power: 92MP5: 8Attack ...