They only showed 60-80% of difficulty level comparing the real one in classic. Make sure you use 4-5 extra soul shards on inslaving the dread guards, they help aoe tank a lot. And the group might get wiped out towards the end, normally around 8-10min. But it is ok, just get ...
Thanks for reading! Hopefully, this guide has helped you with leveling and learning how to play your warlock inWotLK Classic.If you have any questions, leave a comment below, and be sure to subscribe to High Ground for more useful guides! Happy gaming!
who will do everything possible to destroy all life in Azeroth. While most of the game has stayed the same, except for a few upgrades, one of the better additions toWotLKClassic is Heirlooms.
You don’t have to do anything for this quest, just enjoy the flight until you get the complete message. Turn in[72] Spirittual Insight, get[72] Elder Mana’loa. 2.Mount up, follow the road north and then west until you reach the northwestern tip ofIndu’le Village(37,65). There ...
South of raptors on a ledge close the water there are more basilisks, kill them until you complete Singing Blue Shards. Swim out to the small island and explore it for The Stone of the Tides. Die on purpose and take ress sickness at Nesingwary’s Turn in Tiger, Panther and Raptor Maste...
If you plug the Current community on Classic server you dont get the Classic Experience. Its hard to Imagine that people will really be fine with not beeing able to Summon people to Dungeons unless you have a Warlock (That Actually carries SoulShards) and two others who run to the Dungeon...
Sunken Temple Walkthrough Wailing Caverns Guide Zul'Farrak Instance Guide Karazhan Attunement Guide Other Expansions: Burning Crusade Guides MoP Guides How to Get Netherwing Drake/Mount Guide WotLK Guides Death Knight Tanking Guide WotLK Achievements Guide...
WOTLK: lichking.MPQ (2.5Gb) Copy these files under the \Json\MPQ folder (e.g., C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Json\MPQ) Technical details about V1: Precompiled x86 and x64 Stormlib Source code accessible, written in C# Uses *.mpq files as source Extracts the geometry on demand during runtime ...
PvP mechanics are extended in WotLK, with the addition of a dedicated PvP zone (even on PvE servers) in central Northrend called Wintergrasp. There is no requirement to visit the zone, but the benefit is that all bosses in instances drop a token, similar to Spirit Shards in Auchindoun, ...
Gnomes: 21 Stamina, 24 Intellect, 20 SpiritEscape Artist (active): Activate to break out of a Root or Snare effect - 1.5 sec cast - 1 min cooldown - More escaping abilities are always nice for a mage, short cooldown as well.