WoW Cataclysm Classic Hunter Pets and Where to Get Them Cataclysm brought in a lot of changes to the Pet system, and these changes aren’t limited to just the new beast families. Along with those chang […] By Dillan|June 03, 2024 ...
We and up to932 vendorsprocess, store and/or access personal data from you and your device. This data can include your type of browser, settings, cookies, unique identifiers, IP address, and geo location. Your consent can be updated or withdrawn at any time by clicking the link in our ...
Yeah, I play WOTLK hunter, and I LOVE the minor glyph of mend pet that makes your mend pet give your pet happiness. Trust me on this: constantly feeding your pet to make him happy loses its novelty value after a while and becomes an annoying chore. To me, WOTLK mm hunter is when ...
These are all theWotLKreputation rewards you might be interested, if you’re aHunter. Colour codes(although a bit obvious): –Honored –Revered –Exalted Also, you’ll probably see ‘Increases attack power by XXX in Cat…’. You should ignore this because this only applies to Druids. Also...
Re: The Casual Hunter's Guide to WotLK Gearing Unread postbyKalliope»Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:26 am Boots:Like the belt of dragons, theBoots of Living Scaleare still a very solid craftable, provided that you're okay with farming the badges for crusader orbs.Muddied Boots of Brilldrop off...
Wotlk Classic A Tier DPS Ah the Hunter, while maybe not at your absolute peak in Wrath, you'll still find a place in raids. While BM will struggle throughout Wrath, MM and Survival will do well. Balance Druid and Demo lock are next up, and both will shine, though Balance will lose...
I didn’t start playing WoW until WotLK so I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be looking for as we start rolling through the good old new old days. Played primarily as Survival, some Beast, never MM, so what’s the best gear and where should I be looking for the epic drops? ß...
I'll be running a MM Hunter and I'll choose the meta Covenant. If a future patch switches things up, I'll do my 2 quests and change Covenants. I'm literally sitting here struggling to see where the problem is FOR ME. But I get that if you can't stick with a single spec, you...
WOTLK Database I also play from time to time in the game and once I have to look for information about something (I do not remember exactly what) and it turned out that I can't find synchronized with our server Wrath of the Lich King database. Most had already migrated to the latest...
Shortly before the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Ner'zhul engineered the downfall of the Legion by having his lieutenant, Arthas Menethil, alert the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage to the presence of the Legion in Felwood. Illidan's attack on the demons there brought about the death of Tichondrius ...