Protection Warrior / MM Hunter / Holy Paladin (Best) Protection Warrior / Enh Shaman / Holy PaladinBeast Mastery HunterBeast Mastery has never been a particularly strong PvP spec, as it lacks the control tools that the other 2 specs have, restricting its usefulness. The thing it shines at ...
PvP Beast Mastery Hunter PvP Marksmanship Hunter Stat Priority Best Races Best Professions Talents, Builds & Glyphs Gems, Enchants & Consumables BiS (Best-in-Slot) Rotation, Cooldowns & Abilities Best Arena Comps PvP Survival Hunter Best Races Best Professions Talents, Builds & Glyphs Gems, Ench...
Imagine, a guide that from the start taught hunters not to be huntards, the bane of our class. e.g. by suggesting doing selected quests/monsters in certain ways – perhaps right after prompting the hunter to learn certain key abilities. Improving the hunter’s understanding of the class by...
Re: The Casual Hunter's Guide to WotLK Gearing Unread postbyKalliope»Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:26 am Boots:Like the belt of dragons, theBoots of Living Scaleare still a very solid craftable, provided that you're okay with farming the badges for crusader orbs.Muddied Boots of Brilldrop off...
BM Hunter – Just play MM or Survival Wotlk Classic D Tier DPS Sub Rogue – Hey, get back in the Arena, this isn't the place for you! Frost Mage – I really don't know what to say here. My memory of “OG” Wrath is hazy, but I guess the spec that throws ice at people isn...
If you weren’t concerned with PvP, pure dps would dual spec for single target and AoE while hybrids would spec for dps/heal or dps/tank in most cases; god bless the poor soul biting the bullet to spec heal/tank. Additionally, grouping and raiding pre LFG was easy, so easy that ...
With layers being removed and players leaving classic (likely due to greasy no-lifers camping low level quest areas because their lives are pathetic and they dont have a job), I am concerned for the health of classic. I…
This comp is a distant cousin of Ret Paladin / MM Hunter, in that they have a lot of the same strengths and a lot of the same weaknesses. It is an unusual spec that only picks up in latter arena seasons (7/8) once Ret Paladins can switch to the Preg spec, though it can work ...
At its best however, it has a lot of the strong points of its 2v2 cousin, Ret Paladin / MM Hunter; namely, some incredibly high burst damage, enhanced by the Priest’s Dispel Magic and personal damage. It also has very long CC chains, with Scatter Shot > Freezing Arrow > Hammer of ...