At least eight raid members will need to have completed a set of six quests for Duke Hydraxis who is on a small island near the Azshara coast. After the fourth of these quests, you’ll have reached honored with the Hydraxian Waterlords, and everything in MC should give reputation. The...
DM and BRD along with all the quest grinding should get you to 60 in short order. In BRD get all the Marshall Windsor related quests out of the way up to and including Jail Break. This is the quest chain that you need to get your key to Onyxia’s lair. You also need to do ...
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If you ever do really get stuck, you can use online resources to help you with quests. Always have plenty of food and water. As a hunter, your pet will take most of the damage, but this will mean you’ll spend mana using Mend Pet. On top of using abilities, you’re going to ...
Sunken Temple Walkthrough Wailing Caverns Guide Zul'Farrak Instance Guide Karazhan Attunement Guide Other Expansions: Burning Crusade Guides MoP Guides How to Get Netherwing Drake/Mount Guide WotLK Guides Death Knight Tanking Guide WotLK Achievements Guide...
To do that, four different quests exist (which all eventually end up with you returning the amulet) – but he’ll only give you one of these four quests – it’s chosen randomly. The four possible quests he chooses from are: Tyr’s Hand Go to Eastern Plaguelands and farm Scarlet Praet...