At least eight raid members will need to have completed a set of six quests for Duke Hydraxis who is on a small island near the Azshara coast. After the fourth of these quests, you’ll have reached honored with the Hydraxian Waterlords, and everything in MC should give reputation. The...
World Buffs:Get all available world buffs and Chrono Boon them to maximize your performance. Blackrock Depths (BRD): Quest Stacking:Gather as many BRD quests as possible. This dungeon has numerous quests that provide significant experience. Group Coordination:Coordinate with yo...
The Alliance quest “CLUCK” now works properly Fixed an issue that caused the Enraged Panther to occasionally be unable to be attacked during the quest “Hypercapacitor Gizmo” Some quest-related game objects had an inauthentic respawn time or cooldown on usage; this has been corrected ...
Many quests were changed and added during vanillas lifecycle, some of the most noteworthy are places like Thorium Point and Silithus. Because of the level 40 cap on the classic beta it’s been very hard to confirm which quests that will exist in phase 1 and which will not, so I ...
Chinese version: Youri’s Level 20-30 Alliance Leveling Guide 一、前言 This guide is a prequel to Jame’s leveling guide found here on wow-pro. At the end of this guide, you will have the necessary flight paths and an almost completely empty quest log, with exception of a few quests ...
Season of Mastery brings back many Horde and Alliance Guard NPCs removed from Alterac Valley in patch 1.11 of Original World of Warcraft. At the launch of Season of Mastery, we will enable the World PvP objectives in Eastern Plaguelands. ...
Leveling in WoW Classic can be a chore. Grind takes hours, quests don't give too much experience, and finding a good dungeon group, a leveling partner or even someone who will help you with an Elite quest mob takes a lot of time. No wonder that many players are willing to do almost...
You get the plan by turning in a Sulfuron Ingot to Lokhtos Darkbargainer in the BRD bar. No reputation is required. Sulfuron Ingots are dropped by Golemagg the Incinerator, Molten Core Boss, at a 16% rate ( once in 6 kills). When the Sulfuron Ingot is in your inventory, you will...
I’m assuming you are looking to play on WoW Wrath (as opposed to Classic Era). I’m on Pagle (Wrath) Alliance right now (Sunday afternoon server time) and it’s pretty busy with people in LFG for 1-60 dungeons (deadmines, gnomer, sm, zf, st, strat and even lbrs.) Kylah-sky...
byu/xhr0w0w4y inclassicwow For our alliance players, there is the Light of Elune. This item grants you immunity from all damage for a whopping 10 seconds. So next time you get DCed and appear midair when you log back in, just take a sip before you hit the ground, and you’ll be...