Addons Browse and download from a large library of private server addons. Browse Addons ELVUIs Import from our community made Classic and Private ElvUI profiles with a single click. Browse Profiles WEAKAURAs Get a head start with our community made WeakAuras for your character. ...
彩虹ui 整合包 (經典版). Contribute to WOWRainbowUI/AddOns-Classic development by creating an account on GitHub.
Bilzzard的文件保存在 Interface\FrameXML 下,用户定义的 组件 放在:Interface\AddOns\AddOnName目录下。 除非你确实搞得定,轻易不要去更改GlueXML文件,有可能会破坏WOW的UI系统。 1 Slash Commands / 命令 2 Macros 宏 3 Scripts 脚本 4 User Interface Mods and AddOns 用户界面 MOD与AddOn插件 5 Cosmos, Gyp...
WoW Legacy Addon - Retail UI (3.3.5a) wowluaaddonwotlkwowaddons UpdatedJan 4, 2025 Lua anhility/WhatsTraining_WotLK Star6 Code Issues Pull requests A backport of Fusionpit's WhatsTraining addon for WotLK wotlkbackportwowaddons UpdatedMar 11, 2023 ...
放在:Interface\AddOns\AddOnName目录下。 除非你确实搞得定,轻易不要去更改GlueXML文件,有可能会破坏WOW的UI系统。 1 Slash Commands / 命令 2 Macros 宏 3 Scripts 脚本 4 User Interface Mods and AddOns 用户界面 MOD与AddOn插件 5 Cosmos, Gypsy, CT_Mod 等常用的插件 ...
WoW UI Designer Release Notes These notes refer to wowuides.exe version 1.1.x, the public beta release. Introduction This is the WoW UI Designer initially mentionedhere. It started off as an idea I had to be able to load in any addon frame and edit it like you would a form in Borland...
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DKPminus offers a searchable list of World of Warcraft addons for Vanilla WoW, TBC, WotLK, Cataclysm, and MoP including questing addons, crafting addons, class addons, and more.
在魔兽世界主目录下有个interfaces文件夹,把你的界面解压到它里面的addons文件夹下即可,如果不行,查看你的界面压缩包,如果叫addons把它解压出来直接替换掉你的同名文件即可,别人的界面不一定适合你,所以用别人界面前要备份你的Interfaces interface