Controlcamera motionto enhance immersion. (you can disable camera movement in the settings) Adjustable font sizeto increase readability. Copy dialogue texts and NPC chat messages. Display the lore text when you pick up a quest item. Quest UI - Light Theme Quest UI - Dark Theme Book UI - Pa...
classic related features. Beta, butbattle-testedinside Naxx and Ulduar, and inactive development(please report any bug you might find, and feel free to request new features!). Based on the default UI, so most other addons should work without problems. Completelymodular: (de-)/activate any f...
make sure you are up to date with Shadow & Light AND ElvUI. Verify this by doing/estatusand compare the ElvUI version to the download and Shadow & Light version to the client as well. You will need to do/slerror onwhich willDISABLE ALLaddons except for ElvUI and S&L to try to ...
AddOns Compilations What's Hot? WCLPlayerScore-WotLK-CN WOTLK Classic Hekili Priority Helper Combat Mods Clean Icons - Mechagnome... Graphic UI Mods TomTom Map, Coords, Compasses BigWigs Bossmods Raid Mods Deadly Boss Mods Raid Mods WeakAuras 2 ...
AddOns Compilations What's Hot? WCLPlayerScore-WotLK-CN WOTLK Classic Hekili Priority Helper Combat Mods Clean Icons - Mechagnome... Graphic UI Mods TomTom Map, Coords, Compasses BigWigs Bossmods Raid Mods Deadly Boss Mods Raid Mods WeakAuras 2 ...
Blood Legion Raid Cooldown: Skada: Weak Auras: It is highly suggested that you watch my UI Install tutorial for complete instructions on how to install my UI ...
ElvUI mMediaTag & Tools is a plugin for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft, which is used in combination with the ElvUI user interface. It extends ElvUI with a variety of media files such as textures, fonts and icons as well as some handy tools to enhance the gaming experience. ...
Discover the Best WoW Addons on CurseForge - Enhance your World of Warcraft experience with free addons that customize UI, visuals, and more
12968 addons in search show all The mostpopular addons for World of Warcraft Achievements NPCScan 57,924,535 RareScanner 39,380,831 TomCat’s Tours (now includes DragonFlight Dragon Flying Glyphs, Lunar Festival Elders, and Love is in the Air) ...