When I try updating retail wow I get the error “We’re having a problem transferring data” My connection is fine. I’ve done all the suggested troubleshooting on Blizzards troubleshooting page. No other Wow versions are ha…
Copied over from Arthas + a part of the Horde billboard for the symbol. Nice, I always like Arthas' cape. They should make an in-game cape like that we can use. Forum Rules Fate/Creed MAL My Twitter Warrior Priest Death Knight Reply With Quote 2011...
Then the awful writers conveniently forgot about that part. She didn't exactly "make it happen", the Alliance and Horde were still at war with one-another. But even if she did, that makes the loss of Theramore even worse. They certainly might, but "breaking" isn't th...
Make sure that the quest is marked as complete before you exit the instance, and you will be able to turn it in right outside the dungeon portal. Bosses There are eight bosses inside Razorfen Kraul, including two rare bosses who do not always appear. Roogug Aggem Thorncurse Death ...
One thing that does make the gameplay unique is the style of combat. Players now must pay close attention to where they are striking the enemy. Different angles and combinations of strikes will produce varying levels of fatality. It can be hard to get a grip on, but nothing you can’t ...
If you ever get the opportunity to join a group, go for it! Rogues are certainly capable of leveling alone, but their innate squishiness can make it challenging at times. Not only that, but you can’t even use Backstab when soloing because enemies will always be facing you. This allows...
There are still a viable number of roleplayers active on the server, but activity tends to be not as "in your face" as on other dedicated roleplaying servers. This can make it difficult for new roleplayers to locate the RP community unless they already know where to look (see the ...
Acquiring WoW Gold: The Basics and Beyond Earning WoW gold can seem daunting, but with our expert strategies and insights, we make it simple and efficient. From the timeless lands of WoW Classic to the latest expansions, our guide covers every aspect of the Warcraft gold acquisition process. ...
Windfury, Wild Strikes, Mark of the Wild, Battle / Commanding Shout, Aspect of the Lion. We bring NOTHING. We have zero raid buffs. Zero utility. Making Expose Armor better is only going to lower our damage. How is that going to help? They either need to make our single target damage...
“I had hoped to end your lives quickly, but you have proven more... resilient then I anticipated. Nonetheless, your efforts are in vain. It is you reckless, careless mortals who are to blame for this war. I do what I must, and if it means your extinct