Tearstone of Elune 艾露恩的泪石 伊露恩淚石 Elune's Favored 艾露恩的青睐 伊露恩之賜 Guardian of Elune 艾露恩的卫士 伊露恩的守護者 Warrior of Elune 艾露恩的战士 伊露恩戰士 Blessing of Elune 艾露恩的祝福 伊露恩的祝福 Chosen of Elune 艾露恩之眷 伊露恩天選者 Wrath of Elune 艾露恩之怒 伊露恩...
中文:月神之泪英文:Elune's Tear 22 20 1750 14 灰谷 中文:月神的镰刀英文:The Scythe of Elune 30 25 2450 25 灰谷 中文:污林熊怪之王英文:King of the Foulweald 26 21 选取其中一个: 2650 20 灰谷 中文:沙普塔隆的爪子英文:Sharptalon's Claw 30 20 2450 灰谷 中文:灰谷之旅英文:Trek to Ashen...
结束:皮尔图拉斯·怀特姆恩 可以分享 任务难度:202529 任务前提 奥雷迪尔的药剂 Orendil's Cure 开启后续 星尘废墟 相关联的信息 截图 WowheadWowhead 英文名:Elune's Tear复制 任务需求 月神之泪 任务描述 任务奖励 14 任务返回 任务完成 任务奖励 1750 经验 (1050满级可获得) ...
Tearstone of Elune 艾露恩的泪石 伊露恩淚石 Elune's Favored 艾露恩的青睐 伊露恩之賜 Guardian of Elune 艾露恩的卫士 伊露恩的守護者 Warrior of Elune 艾露恩的战士 伊露恩戰士 Blessing of Elune 艾露恩的祝福 伊露恩的祝福 Chosen of Elune 艾露恩之眷 伊露恩天選者 Wrath of Elune 艾露恩之怒 伊露恩之怒 Elun...
of Xe'ra, was the only one with the ability to unlock the core, but the Burning Legion attacked the Exodar and killed O'ros to prevent that from happening. Light's Heart was then stored within a Class Order Hall for safekeeping,[36] and was finally unlocked using the Tears of Elune....
Through her ally, Ralaar Fangfire, she had learned that the legendary Scythe of Elune was in Gilneas and sought custody of it.[57] However, the Forsaken had not counted on the Gilneans controlling the worgen curse that had spread among them, and the Gilneans uniting their forces after ...
He is the twin brother of Illidan Stormrage, as well as the loving and beloved husband of the high priestess of Elune, Tyrande Whisperwind. Together, the two have represented the highest leadership of the night elves ever since the fall of Queen Azshara and her Highborne caste. ...
Fixed an issue preventing progress on the Priest quest chain “Secrets of Elune”. Fixed an issue where “Allegiance to the Old Gods” quest was not completable while in a raid group. Carendin the Undercity Warlock will now discreetly dispose of any Acolyte’s Notes stuck in warlocks’ bags...
Fixed an issue that caused Light’s Protection, Soulburn: Drain Life, Icy Feet’s lockout effect, Master of the Elements, and Fury of Elune to be vulnerable to enemy purge effects. Demon Hunter Havoc Demon Hide (talent) physical damage reduction is now 3% (was 5%). Scars of Suffering...
Elune’s Guidance now reduces the cost of Starsurge by eight and Starfall by 10 during Incarnation: Chosen of Elune (was reduces the cost of Starsurge by five and Starfall by eight). Radiant Moonlight increases the damage dealt by New Moon, Half Moon, and Full Moon by 25 percent. Radi...