Shortly thereafter, at the defender's camp, a lonely and bitter Shandris was found by Tyrande Whisperwind, priestess of Elune. Tyrande became fond of the young girl, and couldn't bear to simply let her remain among the survivors alone, and so she accompanied the priestess. Shandris soon ...
C In the Blink of an Eye|QID|44663|QO|1|M|80.24,34.82|Z|Stormwind City|NC|N|Take the Portal to Dalaran|FACTION|ALLIANCE|;both C In the Blink of an Eye|QID|44663^44184|CHAT|QO|2|M|49.84,48.28|Z|Dalaran@DeadwindPass|N|Run to the area in the center of Dalaran (that used to be...
“Magni has the great halls of Ironforge, Brann has the freedom of exploration, and I have the allure of adventure and battle.”
Tears of Elune Tidestone of Golganneth Orbs Plates of Uldum Seals of Uldir Stone Watcher of Norgannon Spark of Tyr Tribunal of Ages Titan Relic Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings World Pillar Mystery of the Makers Weapons Sword of Sargeras Taeshalach (Gorshalach Gorribal Orodur Seschenal Shar...
Tyr was a titan-forged keeper and the mightiest of the watchers. He once resided at the Temple of Order, in Ulduar. Tyr died fighting against Keeper Loken's minions, after his betrayal was made known to both Tyr and Archaedas. He was buried in a tomb now
Ysera believed that the only way to save the Forest Lord was with the Tears of Elune, and sent an adventurer to a nearby temple of Elune to retrieve them. However, Xavius attacked the temple and stole the Tears of Elune before Malfurion could use them to save Cenarius from an ...
Freya is one of the titanic Keepers. She resided in the Temple of Life in the Storm Peaks until Keeper Loken rebelled against the titan-forged. Yogg-Saron took control of her and made her lay dormant inside the greenery of Ulduar. Freya left behind an av