Additionally, it automatically accepts quests, starts battles, and completes quests when you right-click on a Pet Tamer. Auto Tabard by eviloz. Automatically equips the proper reputation tabard when entering a heroic. AutoChat by Hatsuki. Automatically logs all chat to a file. Default is /logs/...
Wondering whether its even worth me keeping the ZG quests, cos I dont seem to be getting the reputation, let alone the coins required for em! arhra Members 1.7k Posted November 27, 2005 Grats, guys! Wish i could have been there. Will definitely make sure i can come next time. ...
Reputable: Increases reputation gains with the Armies of Legionfall by 30%. Provides you with access to Artifact Challenges for their new appearences, Veiled Wyrmtongue Cache treasure spawns with Nethershards and War Supplies inside, Portals to all other Broken Shore zones. Command Center: One of...
You can now relax with reputation until you reach a much higher level, as the Tabard's effect will only activate inlevel 80 Normal mode dungeonsand allHeroics. Once you are eligible to participate in these instances, simply equip the Tabard, and all enemies will grant you Kirin Tor reputatio...