Gaining reputation with your home faction provides access to discounted prices at their vendors, and certain reputation achievements. However, gaining reputation with other factions may provide additional benefits, such as specific items, patterns, spells etc which can be purchased from vendors of that...
The Walk of Elders Silvermoon Registry (guild services and tabard vendor) Velaani's Arcane Goods (alchemy reagents and wand vendors)Walk of Elders is the causeway one enters immediately after passing the gate of Silvermoon.The Walk of Elders....
Itemsare ranked by theirqualityinWorld of Warcraft, identifiable by the color of the item's name. For non-equippable items, the colors are the same. Gray named items that you can't equip generally have no use in the game, and should just be sold to vendors for cash. The table below ...
Additionally, it automatically accepts quests, starts battles, and completes quests when you right-click on a Pet Tamer. Auto Tabard by eviloz. Automatically equips the proper reputation tabard when entering a heroic. AutoChat by Hatsuki. Automatically logs all chat to a file. Default is /logs/...
The new high-level reputation tabards are no longer using the Ramhaken tabard art. The [Disgusting Oozeling] no longer applies a debuff which reduces defense, a deprecated stat. Shirts no longer add to the average item level used to determine eligibility for Heroic dungeons. The Golden King ...
Renown levels give players faction-exclusive rewards, including supplies, gear, items, mounts, and access to specific vendors and questlines. The more renown you gain, the better the rewards. This is how you can earn renown for the Iskaara Tuskarr. ...
Automatically repairs items at vendors, and displays durability and costs. RepBox by DrGoldfire. Displays a small frame containing info about your standing with your currently selected faction. RepTracker (Reputation) by INSOMNIAX. A database that stores reputation watched by zone and switches as ...
Additionally, as with some other factions, reputation can be gained through Championing via the [Tabard of the Ebon Blade], or by trading 1 [Emblem of Triumph] for 1 [Ebon Blade Commendation Badge] at the Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster in Dalaran. ...
Honorbound and 7thLegion reputation vendors now sell an account bound Cache of War Resources that can be sent to your alts. User Interface Visual improvements have been made to many PvP Battleground objective trackers. New Assassin and Flag Carrier nameplate badges now appear on characters in world...
Note that the caravan mammoth reads "This is a very fast three person mount that carries vendors." [Flying Carpet] and [Swift Flying Carpet] Tailoring mounts can be crafted with 380 and 420 tailoring respectively. Acherus Deathcharger, the Deathknight class mount....