Stats Explained for Hunter While you can follow the basic priority above, it is important to understand how the stats are measured. The base stat you can use to compare all of the others is attack power, or AP. AP makes your abilities hit harder, and based on the increase in damage pro...
Welcome to our WoW Classic guide for Survival Hunters! Hunters are predominantly Marksmanship or Beast Mastery specialization, but there’s also the unique Survival specialization. While hunters traditionally fight with a bow or gun, Survival Hunters jum
On this page, we list the best enchants, flasks, potions, and food you can get for your Ranged DPS Survival Hunter in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery. Pages in this Guide 1Introduction2Talents and Runes3Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities4Stat Priority5Gear and Best in Slot6Leveling...
Shadow Priests offer high damage, strong multi-dotting capabilities, raid healing, and utility like Hymn of Hope. Excelling in caster-heavy raid comps, they are wanted in every comp due to their versatility and scaling. 2. Survival Hunter (S Tier) Performance: Consistent damage and ...
Stat Priority Buffs & Consumables Pre-Raid BiS Best in Slot – Phase 1 PvE Balance Druid DPS PvE Feral Druid Tank SoM Feral Tank Pre-Raid BiS SoM Feral Tank BiS Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter Guides PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunt...
As a Survival Hunter you will find that some stats you are looking for are different than that for the Beast Mastery Talent build. Here are some key points on each stat. Level 80 Stat Conversion 1 agi = 1.15 ap .012% crit 1 ap = 1ap ...
Need– an option that appears when an item of Good quality or higher drops when using the “Need Before Greed” looting system. The option is either between need (which has priority before greed, and chosen by people why needs that item) or greed (less priority than need, and chosen by...
they have settled beneath the ruins of Lordaeron and built their capital, known as the Undercity, beneath the once-great Human Kingdom. Still searching for their place in Azeroth, Forsaken have recently joined the Horde, as it was their best chance of survival against the constant threat posed...
[Survival Hunter] Enable Spec for TWW A general update to the spec so that people can start using the analyzer; Updated the spellbook Updated easy cooldowns and cooldown reductions Removed Abilities/Talents no longer available to the spec.
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