1. Stat Priority for Survival Hunters 2. Stats Further Explained 1. Stat Priority for Survival Hunters Hit chance until 9% (Hit Cap) Agility; Attack Power; Critical Strike chance; Stamina; Intellect; Spirit; Strength. 2. Stats Further Explained ...
In this section, we will be covering what is deemed to be an effective stat priority list for Survival Hunter PvP in Wrath of the Lich King, and explain each stat in more detail. Hit RatingCap: 5% (164 Hit Rating)ResilienceBetween 700-1300Spell Penetrati
This guide tells you everything you need to know to play Survival Hunter in a PvP environment. Updated for The War Within (11.1.0)
PvP Survival Hunter Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Best Arena Comps When it comes to choosing the right race for your character, you should take into consideration that...
( Pawn: v1: "Survival Hunter (Noxxic)": Class=Hunter, Spec=Survival, CritRating=23.58, HasteRating=22.47, Versatility=22.13, MasteryRating=21.63, Agility=18.94 ) Copy Pawn String Stat Summaries Haste increases attack and spell casting speed, adds additional damage and healing to DoTs and HoTs...
SUPER EASY TAMING!!!...Best place I've found to tame high level Arthropeluras is the cave of the Hunter on the Island, aprox lat 80, lon 53. I usually take a mate boosted pair of Baryonyx, find the large water holes, kill everything that attacks you using the Baryonyx tail whip ...
Assign a max-level hero to the corresponding Slot to get immediate stat bonuses! ◆“Global Bonuses” 1“Slot Bonuses”: “Slot Bonuses” will be determined by both the “Hero Rank” and the “Enhancement Level”, they Include: •“Infantry Attack / Defense” •“Hunter Attack / Defense...
better weapons and gear. This was just my play style i take a bit of a stealth approach until I was really strong. But for me warmth was the 1st priority along with a few meds to slow the virus. Almost always had a successful run when i was able to get a good warmth stat early....
A guide to optimizing your DPS with the Survival Hunter spec (for PvE: Raids, etc.) in the Mists of Pandaria, with builds, stats, gems, and more.
The stat priority for SurvivalHunteris as follows: Agility Hit Rating (to 8%) Haste Rating until soft cap Critical Strike Rating Mastery Haste Rating 1.1. Agility Agility is your primary source of Attack Power which all of your damaging abilities scale off of. This is your Primary stat and ...