RL - Raidleader,团长,团队领导。 S Spawns - 在游戏世界中,怪物被创建时所位于的地点或出现的过程。 SPI - Spirit,灵魂。 STA - Stamina,耐力。 Stack - 堆放在同一个格子中的同类物品的数量。 STR - Strength,力量。 SOLO -含义为独奏、单独、单独飞行; SOLO是一件事情,SOLO是一种状态,SOLO是一种生活;...
RL - Raidleader,团长,团队领导。SSpawns - 在游戏世界中,怪物被创建时所位于的地点或出现的过程。SPI - Spirit,灵魂。STA - Stamina,耐力。Stack - 堆放在同一个格子中的同类物品的数量。STR - Strength,力量。SOLO -含义为独奏、单独、单独飞行;SOLO是一件事情,SOLO是一种状态,SOLO是一种生活;TTank - 能...
RL - Raidleader,团长,团队领导。SSpawns - 在游戏世界中,怪物被创建时所位于的地点或出现的过程。SPI - Spirit,灵魂。STA - Stamina,耐力。Stack - 堆放在同一个格子中的同类物品的数量。STR - Strength,力量。SOLO -含义为独奏、单独、单独飞行;SOLO是一件事情,SOLO是一种状态,SOLO是一种生活;TTank - 能...
/script for i=1,16,1 do if (UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) then if (string.find(UnitBuff ("player",i),"Mon")~=nil) then CastSpellByName("雄鹰守护(等级 4)");break;end end if(i==16) then CastSpellByName("猎人印记(等级 3)");end end 3.射击 SOLO模式(保留长冷切时间的技能) 说...
当你在宏命令里输入/Cast 技能名(技能等级)或者只要按住Shift同时用鼠标点击一下你想要输入的技能的图标。例如当你是一个战士,想制作一个使用战斗怒吼的宏时,你可以输入/Cast Battle Shout(Rank 1)或者是直接按住Shift点击Battle Shout这个技能的图标。当然你可以在一个宏的不同行上输入几个技能,那么当你使用这个...
but you are still paying in time with RNG and on a macro-level. What I mean with ‘macro level’ is that if you would like to have the lowest skill requirements, and simply solo the content, then you may need to wait a year or two. This is still time spent waiting, but not...
1. Raids in WoW Classic 2. Dungeons in WoW Classic 3. Forming a Party 4. Party Sizes in Classic 5. Leveling in Dungeons 1. Raids in WoW Classic We currently have the following raid guides available, with more being added as the raids release on the WoW Classic servers. ...
This is to help keep them from breaking the sheep that this macro casts as well. /cast Polymorph /run for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers()-1 do local u,t="raid"..i,"target"if UnitIsUnit(u..t,t)then SendChatMessage("Change targets! Trying to sheep...","WHISPER",nil,UnitName(u))end ...
Macro Examples: These macros will simulate mouse clicks against the buttons in PallyPower. When the macro is executed it will cast what ever spell appears in the button. NOTE: You can only update the buttons while NOT in combat. The macros will update when the assignments are updated... ...
/castsequence reset=combat/target Corruption, Curse of Agony, Life Tap, Drain Life, Shoot 宠物攻击 然后连续按快捷键,依次释放腐蚀、痛苦、虹吸、吸血、魔杖 每次战斗开始或者更换目标,重置顺序 --- /petattack [nomodifier:alt]/castsequence [nomodifier:alt] reset=target/combat Corruption, Curse...