/script if UnitExists(“target”) then SetRaidTarget(“target”, 8); PlaySoundFile(“sound/interface/raidwarning.ogg”,”Master”); SendChatMessage(“Target %t aquired!”,”PARTY”,”common”,”party”) else end 0 Reply Pippina Author 5 years ago I just added a macro for Innervate ...
While this type of macro can be used with crowd control or damage spells as well, it is especially useful while healing, as it allows you to instantly heal someone in your raid frames without needing to select them first. That will improve your reaction times, which are critical for healers...
3. Classic Paladin Addons 1. Foreword While this is not an exhaustive list of all possible / useful macros, we will be exemplifying almost all macro functionalities below. Use these templates as an example and replace their spells with the ones you feel will be most useful to you, personal...
My question is: could I still play without it on classic and be a valuable member of the group / guild? I’m kinda old, and I don’t want to learn something new. I’m playing classic casually after work and on weekends: So does macro is a must? For all classes and especially war...
MAIN MACRO, not an opener/burst which can be done separately. Each pass is three minutes in length and I do this four times for one macro to account for variables. (you can use a Raid Training dummy-but all I care about is the highest DPS number or the total average of the macro)...
I’ve done some googling and can’t seem to get anywhere. I would just like a simple macro command to set the Skull on what I am targeting when I press the macro. That’s it. Nothing fancy. I do this so the group knows what…
➽ Several abilities in a row [each press of the macro launches the next ability] (it is often necessary to add an exponent [reset = (space for the number of seconds)] to the macro, this can be useful in cases when you need to return to the first cast in the list after 3 secon...
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for warriors! The tough and mighty warrior certainly makes for one of the strongest late-game classes for damage or tanking, but it balances out with a fairly weak leveling experience. If you’re feeling frustrat
this said, here is my macro i use on raid. I have parses of 85% + on boss in warcraft log with it so it is working for sure. d4twcaqyjVuOYUek9Abkttk1mfOAyQQA2u48qQBQc(Lk6BcfDxs0ovP9QSBO2pv(PuWFvv53OAGcKgkjmyknCi4Gsfph0XOOJdrTqHclvfAXKYYPQhcj9urldLwheAIKKPkOjdrMoYfHexvk...