InWoW ClassicSeason of Discovery, acquiring specific Runes varies depending on the race you’re playing. For Troll Priest, it’s the case when trying to discover Twisted Faith rune. Luckily, the task is quite easy andrequires you to travel to the Barrens. Once you’re there, you have to...
Developers’ notes: “It wasn’t our original intent for discoveries to take you into raid instances. Now, the enemies needed for completion of a pre-requisite quest for a rune are both in the outdoor world and inside the raid.” The quest to discover the Earth Shield shaman rune is now...
Priests have a tough time in SoD because they not only have to find their runes, but they need to ensure they have active and different Meditation buffs. To achieve this, you may want to party up with a friend to complete these quests, especially if they’re a healer, or ask one of...