Once you kill a few Razormane mobs, the Helping Hand should be dropped by one of them. Once it is, you can open it by right-clicking on the item. Doing so will teach you the Twisted Faith ability. It increases the damage of your Mind Flay and Mind Blast for 20 percent when you t...
Void Plague damage increased by 200 percent. Twisted Faith now increases damage done by Mind Blast and Mind Flay by 50 percent (was 20 percent) on targets afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain. Rogue Saber Slash, Shiv, and Main Gauche will now properly consume Remorseless Attacks. Saber Slash’s ...
Spell Poweris your most important stat, increasing the damage done by your spells. Spiritis useful for keeping your mana up, and also boosts your Spell Power thanks to your Twisted Faith talent. Hastespeeds up your spell casts, increasing the amount of damage you can do over any given windo...
Priests have a tough time in SoD because they not only have to find their runes, but they need to ensure they have active and different Meditation buffs. To achieve this, you may want to party up with a friend to complete these quests, especially if they’re a healer, or ask one of...