Each What Do You Meme core game contains 435 cards: 360 of these are caption cards and 75 are photo cards. Keep in mind that all of the photos are memes from the past few years, so if you’re playing with a crowd that’s not checked into social media trends, the humor might be l...
One major issue—and it's been practically a meme for years—is World of Warcraft as work. You get 'hired' by guilds to raid. If you don't perform well you get 'fired' (lose your raid seat). That meta has passed down through the various layers of the game until...
And it mostly worked. Liftkit found the counter, stepped out, watched it drop to zero, and stepped back into the beam again, all while putting damage on Corla. Op success. Ula did not see the counter, but the GTFO addon told her when to step out, so she succeeded that far. But si...
This is the most "The only WoW that is WoW is the parts of it I like and the rest doesn't belong" post I've seen in a long time. You even dug up the "kung fu panda" meme from the grave to beat it again. WoW has never been a high fantasy type story, it...
Unfortunately for many would-be meme specs, there can be only one nightfall wielding player in the raid. 0 Reply Lucif3rX166 3 years ago Option a class hunter as a melee hunter with an axe ( might the oppositional switch difference to how good a sword or hammer might be ) and ...
It includes meme, GIF maker, video collage, pic collage, camera effects, filters, frames, Insta crop, clipping, templates, fonts, patterns, and much more. Each one has its own option to enjoy and create attractive stuff. With the help of this application, you can easily create a complete...
warden staff is a meme Eh. It serves its purpose well, being miles ahead of the option defensive options, but yeah, I think I’d generally not be using it because MCP exists. Even on bosses like Patchwerk, I’d value the higher DPS over whatever mitigation is offered me. And if I...
featuring a state of da art creamy meme slider to adjust ur meme levels to your liking. this took a team of 483 developers 7 years to build making this now a AAAAA game get rekt scrubs Many gr9 moments: 13 levels of neuron-obliterating fun!
I do not really see any point for them to spend limited resources to build a more complicated and likely buggier solution, the current solution also doesn’t markedly change any real game dynamics where it has been implemented just makes a few meme specs a slightly little less ...
Disclaimer: Melee Warlock is a meme, and I strongly encourage you to look at Melee Hunter, Melee Mage or Melee Balance Druid for a similar, better experience. However, I spent a lot of time into figuring out this playstyle. If you, like me, want to challenge the norm and do something...