Jan 27, 2025: I don’t know why, but it bothers me so much that the Descript dot com version is snappier than the desktop version on my Mac Studio. 😆 Jan 27, 2025: Just checking what happens if I bold some text or maybe italicize it via Micro.blog and then cross-posting to...
ShareTweetPinPocketMail There’s so much great stuff going on in the blogosphere today… First, join us at Faith Lifts for our Monday Meme — Faith Builders. We’re talking about how to put what we learn from the Word into action. Then click over to the Carnival of Family Life. T...
While casting doesn’t have the same issue since there is no auto attack, instant spells like instant attacks are still extremely problematic, where casters can pretty much cast while running, not even having to stagger step to stop briefly to cast a spell, but like shadow priest s they can...
Find all your favorite Doge games here. Play, relax, and enjoy some quality time with the coolest dog on the internet. Very game, much joy!
that were claiming to disrupt the traditional world of finance.Two strangers from across the globe met online, copied the code of an existing coin, and branded it with the already popular Dogeinternet meme—a picture of a Shiba Inu dog surrounded by fragments of broken English: "wow much ...
Thanks so much for your interest. Go ahead and do what you can for the story. 268105 闫肃吧 心湲麻麻 【闫闫夏日 肃动我心】为了加分丫..SO我开..你们盖..啊嘎嘎嘎为了加分丫..SO我开..你们盖..啊嘎嘎嘎 是事实呀- - 分享13赞 墨子井吧 傻fufu的小啊薰 救命,这几天真的好精分 分享39赞 ...
As Young Thug explained ahead of the release of So Much Fun, out now, the Album Formerly Known as GØŁDMØÜFDÖG isn't intended for listeners who are deeply averse to joy. "If you not having fun or in a fun mood, don't even play this album," he warned when speaking with...
Mom would be so happy to see how much people were still learning from her. We told the students about mom andespecially her famous last words, “Holy Shit!” and gave them the pins with those words which we had made up for her memorial service. They loved them and I watched them show...
So patch triple three came and went with no posts at all from me, and frankly I don’t have much to say because I haven’t played any WoW since the tuesday it dropped. Am I done with WoW? Unsure, probably not. I’ve taken breaks before, though previously it was because I went on...
This year has been filled with so much exciting and inspiring music, that ever since March, I couldn’t wait to look back on the first half of the year and celebrate our favorite releases. There must be something in the water these days, because the energy is electric wherever you turn....