The paladin (often shortened to "pala" or "pally" by players) is a holy knight,[1] a hybrid class with the ability to play a variety of different roles — healing (holy), tanking (protection), and DPS (retribution). Firstly introduced in Warcraft II, then as hero units in Warcraft ...
If i could make a wish, i´d love to see regular class tuning every 2 weeks next to hotfixes for utterly overpowered things. While i think overall balancing has been pretty nice on the casual/mid rank level (except for a few incidents, hi retpalli), there have been a few specs that...
Same with Prot gear, Ret PvP gear, etc. T4 and Dungeon gear for Protadins has spell power all over it… if we use Sunwell patching. early on you still are going to wear warrior gear to get to the 490 cap, pure paladin gear will not gear you there, it is also itemized to have ...
Thiccpala <Acoustics Anonymous> 15 posts 80 Human Paladin 20095 May 2023 I’m a bit late to the game but better late than never! In this post I want to talk about the three biggest factors I think affect fun and competitiveness in PvP: Gearing-Class Tuning-Accessibility Starting off ...
Paladins didn’t get their day in the sun in TBC because of a lot of reasons entirely unrelated to their ability, but also because Blizzard just treated Ret and Prot gearing as an afterthought that needed correction way later in the patching cycle. The “dey took our JERBS” meme was all...
You aren’t running that warrior for their damage anyway. They are a buff bot just like a ret pally. I guess you ether ignored everything else I said or do not think it is a good argument so you repeated part of what I said and left it at that?