ret pala dps guide: reroll lol cause when i see a ret on his way to to raid /lol guess the raid got started a bit later that dayy 1 Like Thorgrim-mankrik November 19, 2023, 11:38am 4 Your pre-bis will look similar to a fury warrior’s. That being said, don’t put yourself...
World of Warcraft Official Game Guide - PaladinRetribution Paladins A Site for the Casual Hardcore Ret Paladin!WowInsider The Light and How to Swing It — weekly paladin feature at WoW InsiderWowInsider Paladin Tanking 101HealingWoW Holy Paladin Class Guides...
My favorite class to play is typically dh but I also highly enjoy enhance/ret/hunter/bdk. I am not a hardcore achievement chaser but I do enjoy getting 100% completion in the Dungeons/Raids category every season. I am also an AVID WoW Goegussr player, and used to wind down before ...