What you’re missing is that another class can do those things for the tank. Nobody can do what a prot paladin can do. TBC won’t have dual spec, you aren’t going to able to have your pally tank trash and then respec to holy for the boss. So the best way to guarantee your ra...
Serious gaming plays on Atlantiss which has the same HP and Damage values as OG TBC Asclépius: Typically by Hyjal you dont even use warriors and have paladins all but solo tank the entire raid. Sunwell bears are miles ahead of warriors. Also false. You use a Pally for Hyjal sure, but...
If I was going to roll a pally for TBC I’d be going prot in a heartbeat and probably would snake the MT spot incredibly quickly thanks to being able to gear,prep and tank like a god compared to alot of the tanks I’ve seen in classic. 1 Reply ...