Portal: Stonard 传送门:斯通纳德 傳送門:斯通納德 Portal: Stormshield 传送门:暴风之盾 傳送門:暴風之盾 Portal: Stormwind 传送门:暴风城 傳送:暴風城 Portal: Stormwind 传送门:暴风城 傳送門:暴風城 Portal: Stormwind Embassy 传送门:暴风城大使馆 傳送門:駐暴風城大使館 Portal: Stormwind, Docks 传送门:...
Portal: Howling Fjord 传送门:嚎风峡湾 傳送門:凜風峽灣 Portal: Icecrown 传送门:冰冠冰川 傳送門:寒冰皇冠 Portal: Ironforge 传送门:铁炉堡 傳送門:鐵爐堡 Portal: Karazhan 传送门:卡拉赞 傳送門:卡拉贊 Portal: Kul Tiras 传送门:库尔提拉斯 傳送門:庫爾提拉斯 Portal: Leaving Ulduar (Teleport) 传...
To get your first mount at level 40, seek out one of the following Warlock trainers: Alliance: Demisette Cloyce at The Slaughtered Lamb in Stormwind Briarthorn at Forlorn Cavern in Ironforge Horde: Zevrost at the Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar Kaal Soulreaper at the Magic Quarter in Under...
Elwynn Forest 1-50 Alliance Northshire, Goldshire, (Stormwind City) Human starting zone, The Stockade instance, Darkmoon Faire site; Deeprun Tram in Stormwind City connects to Ironforge; boats to Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra) and Boralus (Tiragarde Sound) from Stormwind Harbor; portals to various...
After players initially use these to travel to Vashj'ir, the routes will no longer be accessible. Thereafter, players will have access to Vashj'ir via a portal in their faction's main city (Orgrimmar or Stormwind). Warcraft Relations Map...
Portal: Stormwind, Portal: Orgrimmar, Portal: Ironforge, Portal: Undercity, Portal: Darnassus, Portal: Thunder Bluffare all tools you can use to facilitate your group's transportation around the world. Remove Lesser Curseallows you to remove one curse effect from yourself or an ally. Since the...
Portal:Theramore 传送门:塞拉摩Conjure Mana Gem 制造法力宝石Ice barrier 寒冰护体Combustion 燃烧Portal:Stormwind 传送门:暴风城Portal:IronForge 传送门:铁炉堡Portal:Orgrimmar 传送门:奥格瑞玛Portal:Undercity 传送门:幽暗城Portal:Darnassus 传送门:达纳苏斯Portal:Thunder Bluff 传送门:雷霆崖Portal:Exodar 传送门:...
Ironforge Airfield How to Get to Moonglade How to Get to Searing Gorge How to Get to Silithus How to Get to Winterspring How to Get to Ashenvale Yowler Location Yojamba Isle Location Yorus Barleybrew Location How to Get to Stormwind as a Night Elf How to Breathe Underwater Tools Talent...
Precision, Mages are also full of tricks, such asPolymorph,BlinkandIce Block, which are useful in PvE and unrivaled forPvP, when in the hands of a master. Finally, they have great convenience tools, such asTeleport: Stormwind, or the group versionPortal: Stormwind, andConjure WaterorConjure...
With Lordaeron's fall and the devastation of the northern kingdoms, the rebuilt city of Stormwind became the new base of the Alliance, with the Ironforge dwarves becoming their staunchest and closest geographical allies. The gnomes of Gnomeregan had been unable to help in the Third War as they...