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Portal: Icecrown 传送门:冰冠冰川 傳送門:寒冰皇冠 Portal: Ironforge 传送门:铁炉堡 傳送門:鐵爐堡 Portal: Karazhan 传送门:卡拉赞 傳送門:卡拉贊 Portal: Kul Tiras 传送门:库尔提拉斯 傳送門:庫爾提拉斯 Portal: Leaving Ulduar(Teleport) 传送门:离开奥杜尔(传送) 傳送門:離開奧杜亞(傳送) Portal: Nazjatar ...
Portal: Icecrown 传送门:冰冠冰川 傳送門:寒冰皇冠 Portal: Ironforge 传送门:铁炉堡 傳送門:鐵爐堡 Portal: Karazhan 传送门:卡拉赞 傳送門:卡拉贊 Portal: Kul Tiras 传送门:库尔提拉斯 傳送門:庫爾提拉斯 Portal: Leaving Ulduar (Teleport) 传送门:离开奥杜尔(传送) 傳送門:離開奧杜亞(傳送) Portal:...
With Lordaeron's fall and the devastation of the northern kingdoms, the rebuilt city of Stormwind became the new base of the Alliance, with the Ironforge dwarves becoming their staunchest and closest geographical allies. The gnomes of Gnomeregan had been unable to help in the Third War as they...
The reagents required to open the portal are not consumed when you use them, that is correct. It was done this way so that warlocks who have the reagents will be able to open the portal for themselves or others at a later time. The trade off for this is that any warlock who does no...
Behind this gate you’ll find another closed gate, and behind that you can see a raid portal. It seems the developers originally planned to have players enter the Naxxramas raid through this route, but that plan was axed, leaving this unused and inaccessible portal for players to puzzle over...
Current Kurdran elected to remain with his comrades and ensure that thewas sealed to prevent it from harming Azeroth. For twenty years, he was believed dead, until found that he currently resides inWildhammer Stronghold, the Alliance outpost inShadowmoon Valley. After succeeding Kurdran, Falstad ru...
1,500 years before the opening of the Dark Portal,[42] Hakkar the Soulflayer (not to be confused with Hakkar the Houndmaster from War of the Ancients), a darker spirit, heard the trolls' calls of distress and decided to aid them. Hakkar gave his secrets of blood to the Gurubashi and...
Note that the dotted paths refer to one-way single "Event" routes to Vashj'ir. After players initially use these to travel to Vashj'ir, the routes will no longer be accessible. Thereafter, players will have access to Vashj'ir via a portal in their faction's main city (Orgrimmar or Stor...
(通灵学院) The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind(黑暗之门和暴风城的陷落) --Royal Library(皇家图书馆)--StormWind(暴风城) --Nethergarde Keep(守望堡)右边堡垒--Blasted Lands(诅咒之地) --遗骨之穴--Scholomance(通灵学院) The Founding of Quel'Thalas(奎尔萨拉斯的建立) --Auberdine(奥伯丁)...