PK(Player Kill) - 击杀玩家或玩家杀手。mish = mission = coop - 合作任务relog - 重新登陆LFG(Looking for a group) - 寻找队伍以加入GDKP - G团Rez - 复活RDPS: - 远程DPSMDPS: - 近战DPShealer - 奶妈OOM(Out of Mana)法力用尽Release - 释放,点击“释放灵魂”按钮并在缚灵石再生,或释放被放逐的...
Reminiscing about the days of the Jailer and Oribos, one player shared an idea on WoW’s subreddit that could have improved the way we remember Shadowlands. In a post from April 11, the player suggests that the expansion dealing with death and life would be a far more enjoyable experience...
@XXXX 和target=XXXX 是一个意思(目标等于XXXX),所以用前面的@节约6个字符,例如@focus,@player,@pet比较target=focus,~=player,~=pet 注意:“@名字”“target=名字”这两个命令都只能选择队伍中的玩家,如果要选择敌方玩家和NPC用“/目标 名字” @mouseover和@Cursor 这两者适用于两者不同情况,他们是不一样的...
PVE是Player VS Environment的缩写,也即玩家vs环境。 PVE和PVP(玩家与玩家对战,比如我们常说的PK、战场、攻城战等)相对,指的是在游戏中玩家挑战游戏程序所控制的npc怪物和boss,PVE有时候又被称作PVC(Player Vs Computer),在网络游戏中,主要指挑战强大的BOSS等活动。 PVE设定,并不是完全取消玩家与玩家之间战争的PVP...
The WOW! Music Player is the must-have App for group fitness trainers. You can easily download all purchases from the WOW! Shop directly to your phone and play them immediately without gaps between the tracks. Of course you can use your titles from your iTunes library to incldue them in...
Returning retail player struggles byu/mironoteu inclassicwow Until the launch of achievements in Wrath of the Lich King (2008), players didn’t have much proof (other than the loot they collected) of having completed a raid. This meant that every time a new raiding group was formed, play...
wow10后掌形变太大,穿着后仰,费跟腱 player1 plus内扣力线不正,穿一会儿膝盖内侧就不舒服 ...
WOW! Player 4+ WOW! Music 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 The WOW! Music Player is the must-have App for group fitness trainers. You can easily download all purchases from the WOW! Shop directly to your phone and play them immediately without gaps between the tracks. Of ...
魔兽世界游戏中PVP是Player VS Player的缩写,译为玩家对战,一名玩家攻击另一名玩家而形成的互动竞技。与PVP相对应的是PVE即 Player VS Environment,玩家vs环境,指的是在游戏中玩家挑战游戏程序所控制的npc怪物和boss,有时候又被称作PVC(Player Vs Computer),在网络游戏中,主要指挑战强大的BOSS等活动。 10月前发布 ...
/script if(IsActionInRange(2) == 1) then SpellTargetUnit("player") else SpellTargetUnit("pet") end12、 装死放冰冻陷阱由于时间上的要求,一般没法一次性成功。所以一般不做这样的宏,也建议别用这样的宏。非要做的话,就这样吧。只不过要一直按键,一直到冰陷放出为止。用本宏的建议:自己与怪拉开点...