The player count of Fortnite , for example, reached 350 million users worldwide in 2020. What is World of Warcraft? World of Warcraft is the fourth in the series of games published by Blizzard Entertainment, after “Orcs & Humans,”“Tides of Darkness,” and “The Frozen Throne.” It ...
Player Count Market Price Tracker WoW Class Quiz About WoW Online Marketplace Class Changes That Could Impact How Players Buy Goods in the Marketplace The marketplace is home to all sorts of goodies – items, gold, accounts, and essentially everything else that a gamer could need to get...
(despite playing them in the first place), and that’s where the leveling services for WoW come in. Plus, let’s not forget that the Shadowlands expansion decreased the level cap of World of Warcraft. The previous maximum level that a player can attain in WoW used to be 120, but since...
CharacterCreating.MinLevelForHeroicCharacter = 55 (创建死亡骑士等级限制,即账号内必须有一个超过55级的角色才能创建死亡骑士。改成1就是有一个1级角色就能创建死亡骑士) MaxPlayerLevel = 80 (最大角色等级,最高建议不超过100) MinDualSpecLevel = 40 (开启双天赋的等级限制) StartPlayerLevel = 1 (创建角色...
local XiaoTu = CreateFrame("Frame")XiaoTu:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")local XiaoTuEvent = function() if not DBM_AllSavedOptions["Default"] then DBM_AllSavedOptions["Default"] = {} end DBM_AllSavedOptions["Default"]["ChosenVoicePack"] = "Xiaotu"endXiaoTu:SetScript("...
StartPlayerLevel = 1 (创建角色的初始等级) StartHeroicPlayerLevel = 55 (创建死亡骑士角色的初始等级) StartPlayerMoney = 500000000 (角色身上的初始钱数,注意钱的数量都是以铜币计算的,所以换算成金币需要减掉四个零) MaxHonorPoints = 75000 (角色荣誉值上限) ...
WclPlayerScore-WotLK_DB5 update 8个月前 WclPlayerScore-WotLK_DB6 update 8个月前 WeakAuras BUMP TOC,fix some Addons for 3.4.4 5天前 WeakAurasArchive BUMP TOC,fix some Addons for 3.4.4 5天前 WeakAurasModelPaths BUMP TOC,fix some Addons for 3.4.4 ...
for (int i = 0; i < WUPDATE_COUNT; ++i){ if (m_timers[i].GetCurrent() >= 0)m_timers[i].Update(diff);else m_timers[i].SetCurrent(0);} ///- Update the game time and check for shutdown time _UpdateGameTime();///-Update mass mailer tasks if any sMassMailMgr.Update...
## X-DBM-Voice-HasCount: 1 DBM-VPXiaotu.lua 在同目录下新建DBM-VPXiaotu.lua文件: local XiaoTu = CreateFrame("Frame") XiaoTu:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") local XiaoTuEvent = function() if not DBM_AllSavedOptions["Default"] then ...
/施放 [button:2, target=player] 快速治疗; [help] 快速治疗 这个宏将向友方目标施放快速治疗,或者如果你右键点击它,则向自己施放快速治疗 这里[target=unit]是一个特殊的条件选项,它并不检测条件是否成立,而是改变施法的目标以其他条件选项的目标。“unit”可以是任何有效的unit类型,例如“player”,“target”,...