i would be binding this to a mouse button and the idea of clicking one mouse button and not only targeting but killing and casting the spell to get to the corpse quickly is really appealing. A macro that targets the nearest corpse, loots, and then skins would also be awesome. author: ...
For the most profitable outcome of the battle, players should use combined PvP macros in those cases when controls are applied and spells are interrupted, as well as for fast bursts or targeting. ➽ One macro for focus casting via bind and Shift + bind on target (example: E = focus, E...
A回车输入/marco或点对话框边的聊天图标中的/macro或在频道的菜单里选 宏. B点击对话框底部的“新建”按钮 将会弹出另外一个对话框 其中要求你输入宏的名称并且为这个宏选择一个图标.(自定义 宏 的图标随便选.. 名称可以是中英文和数字) C输入宏的内容: /s 你好。 /招手 D按确定。 大功告成. 在可以在...
Pet attack totems Arena macro for targeting shaman totems are highest importance then sending a pet to attack it. This will change your target. Obviously you can modify this to your own liking. Put the most important totem last. This will change your target since it does not utilize focus. ...
一些有用的 Macro 1。允许你在窗口和全屏状态之间切换 /script SetCVar("gxWindow", 1 - GetCVar("gxWindow")); /console gxRestart 2。对于法师,必须要有的:将“X”换为你目前的变形术等级(下同);用它替换掉变形术技能。当你在队伍之外时使用它会得到“你不在队伍中。”的信息,但在队伍中的时候其它...
I started writing out a little macro to check for each add by name, target it and set a raid icon i.e. Code: /target [@Kor'kron Warshaman,nodead] Kor'kron Warshaman; SetRaidTarget("target", 8) but ran out of characters to cover all the permutations of the adds that can spawn...
When you use the macro option, you are actually casting the spell or using the item directly on the unit without changing targets. Macro options will be covered in great detail in Part II. For now, here's how to use the targeting commands. ...
宏Macro 相信很多人都知道WOW中的斜杠"/"和表情命令.宏可以将这些命令按照自己对条件的设置串联起来,比如:/Kneel是让你跪下来的动作而/say就是最基础的对话动作 我们现在用一个宏把他们串起来: 第一行内容:“/Kneel” 第二行内容:“/say 如果你不嫁给我,那么我就一辈子不起来…”” 这样你的人物就会先下跪...
Rare Tagging / Targeting Macro /target Kuz /cast Earth Shock /startattack Shaman is probably the fastest tagger in WoW Classic, mostly due to Earth Shock being instant cast and often beating the instants of other classes. Make sure to use a macro like this one so that you never lose a ta...