30、/run local b=ActionButton8 _MH=_MH or(b:SetAttribute("*type5","macro")or SecureHandlerWrapScript(b,"PreClick",b,'Z=IsShiftKeyDown()and 0 or(Z or 0)%8+1 self:SetAttribute("macrotext5","/wm [@cursor] "..Z)'))or 1 ...
模拟点击动作条按钮:/click 通过指定的框架名称模拟点击动作,在默认情况下它模拟鼠标左键点击,当然这可以通过设置来改变。 例:模拟右键点击宠物动作条上的第五个按钮的动作 /click PetActionButton5 RightButton 另外,你可以通过下面这个宏来得到,鼠标所停留的框架的名字 /run i = ( GetMouseFocus():GetName() )...
The work-around is to use /click and point to a hidden actionbar with non-macro forms of the spells needed. From memory an example: #showtooltip /click [mod:shift,help,nodead] MultiBarLeftButton1;[help,nodead] MultiBarLeftButton2; /stopmacro [noharm] /startattack /cast [mod:shift] Moonfi...
When you are done typing your macro, simply drag its icon from the grid and place it on an action button. The macro will be automatically saved when you first try to use it or when you close the macros window. Click the button, and there you have it! Casting...
/click PetActionButton5没有水元素时按一下,召唤,第二下,冰环有水元素时,按一下直接冰环就把这几个技能做成了1个。。如果没有宏的话 你就必须去分别点这些技能了做成了宏后只需要点一个技能图标 参考资料: http://bbs.duowan.com/thread-13642863-1-1.html 本回答由提问者推荐 已赞过 已踩过< 你...
Button和Target目标选项 The option [button:] works similarly to the modifier button. Normally, if you left-click a button, it performs whatever action is in that spell, in our case a macro. However, if you set the button option, you can change the behavior of a particular macro. ...
/script ActionButtonDown(12);ActionButtonUp(12); /script CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = 1; /script ChangeActionBarPage(); 下面是另一篇 作者:重返荣誉 来源:17173 宏只是一种辅助的手段,希望通过下面的讲解让大家能轻松编辑属于自己的宏。 先来看宏的结构: /script if (UnitHealthMax(target)>80) then Cast...
/click PetActionButton5 /petattack [harm]冰箭 showtooltip 寒冰箭 /cast [modifier:alt] 寒冰箭(等级 1); 寒冰箭 冰箱 showtooltip 寒冰屏障 /stopcasting /cancelAura 寒冰屏障 /cast 寒冰屏障 冰霜 showtooltip 冰霜新星 /cast [modifier:alt] 冰霜新星(等级 1); 冰霜新星 双盾 /castSequence reset...
/click MultiBarRightButton1 再把第二个宏拖到那个叫MultiBarRightButton1的栏位中。这样执行第一个宏就相当于执行了所有的宏命令。 另外,这个宏还可以用来做一些其他命令没法办到的事。比如前面提到的切换宠物技能自动施放状态的功能,就可以这样解决:
TheKey Combinationis what will be passed to the game. Thiscannot match the Hotkey for an Action Bar button; if it does, the macro will not be assigned because World of Warcraft prevents it. If "Use FTL Modifiers" is enabled for this Mapped Key, the Key Combination should be an unmodifi...