Hi there. A 1 button BM DPS shot rotation macro please. None of the old ones are working since 5.1 and sadly I’m not a macro genius. I’ve been using them for over 3 years since I 1st started. Only recently have I noticed people complain about 1 button macros. I use then as I...
hey all. first i want to thank all the people that have been making all these macros for us. i have been using them for years. i like to make it as simple as i can. and i only use like 2 keys. 1 key for the main macro and if im using my lvl 60 guys the 2nd key is the...
wow 宏(哇宏).doc,wow 宏(哇宏) 1. macro [button:1] left mouse button [button:2] mouse wheel [button:3] right mouse button 0= ammunition 1 = head 2 = Necklace 3 = shoulder 4 = shirt Chest = 5 6 = belt 7 = leg 8 = shoes 9 = wrist 10 = gloves 11 = 1. 12
# showtooltip [button:1,nopet]召唤宠物;[combat][modifier]治疗宠物;喂养宠物 /cast [button:1,nopet]召唤宠物;[button:1,combat][modifier:ctrl]治疗宠物;[modifier:alt]治疗宠物(等级1);[button:2, nodead, target=pet]解散野兽;[button:2, dead, target=pet][button:3]复活宠物;喂养宠物 /use [pet]...
One-button Cat Form – Prowl – Pounce macro: First click puts you in Cat Form, if you are not in cat form and stealth; second click to execute pounce. I found a longer version, but after reading this site was able to shorten it significantly. author: Köernig, Kargathcopy...
/click MultiBarRightButton1 再把第二个宏拖到那个叫MultiBarRightButton1的栏位中。这样执行第一个宏就相当于执行了所有的宏命令。 另外,这个宏还可以用来做一些其他命令没法办到的事。比如前面提到的切换宠物技能自动施放状态的功能,就可以这样解决:
Use: Let you eat an drink at the press of one button Works in 3.3.5 Eating and drinking with dynamic food & water #showtooltip [nomod:alt] 1 20; 1 16 /use [mod:shift][btn:3] 1 20 /use [mod:alt][btn:2] 1 16 /stopmacro [mod][nobtn:1] /use [nomod][btn:1] 1 20 /use...
一些有用的 Macro 1。允许你在窗口和全屏状态之间切换 /script SetCVar("gxWindow", 1 - GetCVar("gxWindow")); /console gxRestart 2。对于法师,必须要有的:将“X”换为你目前的变形术等级(下同);用它替换掉变形术技能。当你在队伍之外时使用它会得到“你不在队伍中。”的信息,但在队伍中的时候其它...