I have written this Repository to download the newest/latest Addons for the WotLK Patch. Not every Addon is compatible with other Addons. The Repository will be Updated every few Months to the newest Build of the Addons, if something changed. Also I posted the sources where i got the ...
Ret Paladin is strong in WotLK, and I think it is decent in TBC but I don’t remember them being too crazy. Fine but not FotM level amazing. Arms in TBC and WotLK is very fun for PVP/Arena. Both these classes can get Shadowmourne if that is something that interests you. tldr; I ...
The early wotlk trees are way crazier imo. I completely forgot how many talents there used to be. -_- Varyk Reply With Quote 2011-09-05, 10:28 PM #91 Alvito Titan Join Date Mar 2010 Posts 14,693 Originally Posted by Venziir Nope, since BL was a TBC ability. As I had ...
WOTLK Database I also play from time to time in the game and once I have to look for information about something (I do not remember exactly what) and it turned out that I can't find synchronized with our server Wrath of the Lich King database. Most had already migrated to the latest...
Fan Central Current and Turalyon with his face full of whipped cream and all of the glowing naaru and the Drakkari and King Mrgl-Mrgl and a dwarf named Yarley. And Illidan and Sylvanas, Malfurion and Lady Vashj, Eitrigg, Algalon and the Mighty Morphing Midget Gnomes. ...
The day has arrived, like so many WoW expansion launch days over the past 18 years. I only joined WoW at Burning Crusade but that still means I’ve been here for WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA and Shadowlands. And of course, today’s launch of Dragonflight. Now, you’d th...
Special Drops: None of what I know Gold per hour: Unknown Note: Yetis are great to grind Searing Gorge: Description: Just make a walk around the cauldron you will find spiders and (lava/fire)elementals on your way, you can also go into the cauldron where you will find alot more elemen...
Pull? Bud, you should take a look at my logs if you think I have to pull you down to make myself feel better. LOL Don’t get full of yourself, pup. Delimicus: Wasn’t it possible for armor pen to reduce armor below 0 before WoTLK? No. Armor Pen wasn’t a percentage in TBC,...
All of that being said, not all specs got equal love and there are definitely some that languished until WotLK, but overall you’re in a much better place to play whatever you want and succeed than in Vanilla. 1 Like Jedai-mankrik September 24, 2020, 3:26am 19 enh didn’t get ...
In Warsong Hold you’ll find tradeskills trainers, so feel free to train new skills or to grab whatever tradeskill quest they might have for you. They are not included in the guide, you’ll have to figure this out on your own.