Cost of edgemasters going to be even worse with ret, enh, melee hunter needing the skill now too. Alliance hunters don’t even have a race option with melee weapon skill. 1 Like Tarrz-whitemaneNovember 6, 2023, 6:35am11 Yeah very true. I’ve already made the decision to go Orc or...
I have tested this. While a Human or Orc will literally always have the max weapon skill for their level, and non-Human/Orc will almost always be a point or two shy of max (-7 skill total let’s say) the times this weapon skill advantage prevents a death or even a sticky situation...
I wonder how much of this would be fixed by removing Seal Twisting (both the ‘skill based’ one and Tier set one). Because I have a feeling that is what’s happening; paladin runs up, has SoC up and uses their attack macro with SoM to twist the two (hoping for a SoC proc), th...
If there wasn’t a precedence for false banning, then I wouldn’t have anything to worry about. And you feigning ignorance doesn’t help your situation. Äpathy: So, he puts it there and does not put a good totem down in a fight, hoping someone hits it as they run by, or, he ...
Rogues in Classic WoW are fairly unique and have numerous advantages: - They can go into Stealth and move around invisible to their enemies. They can then choose whether to start a fight as well as when and where. - They don’t use mana but an energy system, that ticks for 20 energy...
All of which explains why I have been slacking off a bit on theCataclysm Classicfront. We still have another six months of this. While there are still dungeons to be done, the group does that one afternoon a week at most. So I have felt free to wander off to other things. ...
i also make decent amounts from skinning heavy and thick leather. i sell heavy for 50s per stack, and thick for whatever the going rate it, which is about 2g per stack. at lvl 36 i had enough for my mount, my last hunter pet slot (5g), my herbing to 300 skill(4.5g), and my...
My name is Judgement and I am a Classic WoW enthusiast. I have been playing WoW since Vanilla and in the most recent years I have been spending a lot of time playing Vanilla WoW private servers. After Classic was announced I started to work on leveling r
16 Night Elf Druid40 1 Jun 2023 Hoofers: Sure, I agree there could be conflict of interest. however, I don’t think it’s blizzards agenda to propagate this addon or monetize from it. Euphorazine: Kastayoni<Stern Outback Steakhouse> ...
TradeSkillMaster v2.8.3 TSM is an addon designed to help both casual gold makers as well as experienced goblins streamline their gold-making processes. TSM's features include everything from improving the native crafting and auctioning experiences to helping you gather needed materials and sniping ...