For the most profitable outcome of the battle, players should use combined PvP macros in those cases when controls are applied and spells are interrupted, as well as for fast bursts or targeting. ➽ One macro for focus casting via bind and Shift + bind on target (example: E = focus, E...
宏的创建 · 输入“/macro”或者点击谈话[talk]按钮并且选择宏[Macro]选项,将会弹出一个对话框,里面记录着你现有的宏。在开始的时候里面应该没有任何宏。 · 点击对话框底部的”new”按钮,将会弹出另外一个对话框,其中要求你输入宏的名称并且为这个宏选择一个图标。 · 给你的宏命名,选择一...
MACRO 16777260 "兽王三开" Ability_Hunter_BeastWithin /cast 狂野怒火 /cast 急速射击 /cast 野性呼唤 END 判定地点选择上坐骑宏(地球上用路地马,火星和北极用飞的,其中龙和豹是我的,大家可以根据自己是什么改好名字就是了,但一定不要写错字,要不用不了):MACRO 16777264 "坐骑" Ability_D...
1Druid Macro Guide2Hunter Macro Guide3Mage Macro Guide4Paladin Macro Guide5Rogue Macro Guide6Shaman Macro Guide7Warlock Macro Guide8Warrior Macro Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. Foreword 2. Classic Paladin Macro Templates 3. Classic Paladin Addons ...
/cast Hunter‘s Mark(Rank 1) /script PetAttack() 7.B 切换到宠物正在攻击的目标并施放毒蛇刺击 /script TargetUnitsPet("Player") /assist /cast Serpent Sting(Rank 1) 7.C 召回宠物并使用散射 此宏是有散射技能的玩家所必需的。 /script PetFollow() ...
/cast Hunter‘s Mark(Rank 1) /script PetAttack() 7.B 切换到宠物正在攻击的目标并施放毒蛇刺击 /script TargetUnitsPet("Player") /assist /cast Serpent Sting(Rank 1) 7.C 召回宠物并使用散射 此宏是有散射技能的玩家所必需的。 /script PetFollow() ...
1Druid Macro Guide2Hunter Macro Guide3Mage Macro Guide4Paladin Macro Guide5Rogue Macro Guide6Shaman Macro Guide7Warlock Macro Guide8Warrior Macro Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. Foreword 2. Macros for Shamans in WoW Classic 3. Classic Shaman Addons ...
MACRO 16777235 " " Ability_Hunter_LongShots#show 预谋/stopattack/cast 预谋/cast 伏击(等级 8)ENDMACRO 16777238 " " Ability_Kick#show 脚踢/cast 脚踢/e 打断了{骷髅}%t{骷髅}的猥琐法术 沉默2秒ENDMACRO 16777237 " " Ability_Gouge#show 凿击/stopattack/cast 凿击/e 对{骷髅}%t{骷髅}释放了△凿击...
To cancel that macro, use /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); /script UIErrorsFrame:Show(); To get rid of the error messages that make a sound, there’s a toggle in the System tab. 7. Battlegrounds Mages have the best mobility of all casters. This mobility can be used both defensively and ...
Much of this article was written by Cogwheel (WoWInterface user Cogwheel). This is an article on making a macro. A macro is a list of slash commands. Common slash commands include the following: /say (/s) /whisper (/w, /talk, /t) /reply (/r) /emote (/e,