Why would you have the entry for the /use command here three times? Naham-argent-dawnOctober 7, 2019, 4:30pm18 Obi: How does this extend the distance? That’s Shaman Farsight Obi: Does it somehow eagle eye off of your current eagle eye target? This works for Shaman this way, not ...
Classes Hunter Kalaen-black-dragonflight (Kalaen) June 21, 2022, 5:27am 1 I am looking for a macro that casts MD on my focus target, and if there is no focus target, the macro will target my pet. The macro below does not work; if I have no focus target, it lights up my ...
/scriptfori=1,16,1doif(UnitBuff(player,I)~=nilthenif (string.find)(UnitBuff(player,I),"Mon")~=nil CastSpellByName(then)"thehawk(Rank4)");break;endendif (i==16)then(CastSpellByName("Hunter'smarkgrade3)");end end 3.shootingSOLOmode(keeplongtimecoldcuttingskills) ...
Welcome to the WoW Lazy Macros community, we're so glad you're here. These forums are dedicated to macros for World of Warcraft. You can find macros of all classes and specializations. Don’t forget to come back for updates in your favorite macro or to discover some new ones. ...
Advertising and content can be personalised based on your profile. Your activity on this service can be used to build or improve a profile about you for personalised advertising and content. Advertising and content performance can be measured. Reports can be generated based on your activity and th...
With this macro, WoW chooses Arcane Power for the feedback. However, this is probably not what you really want. The main point of this spell is to cast Pyroblast. The first few lines merely exist as support spells to make the Pyroblast more effective. You can make the button behave as ...
Also works for/target arena1,/focus arena1, and/cast [@arena1]. Supported commands: #ATH: target first enemy arena healer #ATT: target first enemy arena tank #ATD: target first enemy arena dps #ATC: target first enemy arena caster (anything that is not a melee dps or a hunter) ...
Illustrious Master Hunter Posts:4481 Joined:Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:21 am Realm:Draka-Wyrmrest Accord Gender:Female Re: Pet Attack Macro? Unread postbyRawr»Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:39 am Id like to that if this is for Classic you should turn off Growl and add /use Growl that way your pet...
Report For the moment I will leave comments open, though I may not see them quickly. I am more likely to see them if you post them @ Wow Lazy Macros under the appropriate macro topic.
Not much. Mainly hunters being off the GCD is a pretty cool change that we can work with. I updated the Get out of Melee Range macro and a few others. Hunters are one of the funnest classes to make macros for because they have so many damn spells off the GCD. HunterAll hunter aspec...