I would strongly recommend picking up Mining if you plan on Jewelcrafting. The reason is threefold. First, it's cheaper. :) Second, your materials may be in short supply due to the greater demand and lesser portability of ore versus bars, and you can't do much with bars (I imagine th...
Miningwas less profitable than Herbalism in Classic, but it definitely caught up in TBC. Thanks to Jewelcrafting, raw ores are now often more valuable than ingots (as you can prospect ore can for gems) - keep this in mind and compare the prices before smelting. TBC opens up a sea of p...
After securing some Titanium Ore, you can use the Prospecting mechanic to gather Titanium Powder in WoW WOTLK Classic. Prospecting is a Jewelcrafting ability, and you’ll have a 57 percent chance to get Titanium Ore every time you prospect. While prospecting, you’ll also have a chance to ...
What brought me around was the prospect that I could play with some of my old guildies. A few of us who still keep in contact through social media all agreed to make characters on the same server, with the thought that we could play together like we did a decade ago. I’ve now sta...
Sinvyr Ore You prospected enough ores that you should have enough gems to reach 100. But, if you want to sell gems/necks/rings at the Auction House, you should use the mass prospect until 50. It's just simply better to prospect the ores now while they give skill points if you are...
They never want to forget the brave dwarves that perished in that "cowardly unannounced attack".[10] Prospect Stonehewer lets it slip that he recently plundered a few treasures.[11] It is likely from the Frostwolf clan as they offer the same reward and the weapons all have an ice theme...
Uldaman is a huge and ancient, massive vault created by the titan keepers,[1] buried deep within mountains of Khaz Modan. It is located in the Badlands, west of what was once the entrance to Loch Modan. Prior to the Third War,[2] it was p
you will now be able to mineTitanium, this is the expansions equivalent of Khorium, and as such is needed in many high level crafting recipes and is incredibly rare and lucrative. Especially so with the patch that means Jewelcrafters are able to Prospect it for the chance to get epic gem...
Most of the eredar, terrified of the prospect of losing their precious knowledge, argued that quarantining or even banishing the afflicted was the best course of action to prevent the curse from spreading. Velen, however, refused to abandon his people. Using T'uure, an artifact which had ...
Shows what level is required to mine, pick, smelt, prospect, mill, or skin a resource (vein, deposit, ore, animal, plant, etc). GatherSageCT by jordicus. Shows you if you can collect tradeskill items based on your current skill in that profession....